Chapter 1 - The Introduction

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It was a bright, sunny morning in Starr Park. The sun was breaking through the clouds, the birds were chirping a beautiful song, and the wind whistled gently as it blew against the patient people waiting outside. What were they waiting for? Well, they were all lined up in front of Mandy's Candy Store, the best candy store in Starr Park. People were craving her mouth-melting candy— that's how good they simply were!

Soon enough, Mandy finally unlocked the doors, letting all the hungry customers inside her own little candy land. The employees, who honorably had a position in the store, and Mandy greeted everyone with a sweet smile before getting to work. Dozens of customers began filling the shop in seconds, drooling at the sight of the sweetness around them.

Ten minutes after the shift had begun, Chester, Mandy's co-worker, came panting at the front door, grabbing the handles with both hands while leaning on the decorated glass door, trying to catch his breath. Mandy groaned as she noticed him— he barely even entered. She gestured for him to come over behind the counter, where she and another employee, Tessa, we were serving the clients. Finally, Chester caught his breath and approached to where Mandy was standing. She had a furious look on her face; she was unhappy.

"Chester, your shift began ten minutes ago! TEN! What the hell took you so long?!" She exclaimed, boiling with rage. This wasn't the first time he was late.

The jester initially became confused, but soon after processing, a broad, smug smile spread across his sweating face. He quickly fixed his hat before leaning his arm on the counter while smirking at Mandy, giving her a calm, unbothered response.

"That's none of your business," He said teasingly. "Sorry for being late again, eh?"

Mandy was shaking at this point until Tessa, who overheard their conflict, put a hand on Mandy's shoulder in an attempt to make her calm down. Mandy snapped out of her frustrated stance and groaned again, giving him a cold response.

"Fine. This better not happen again. If you're late one more, and I mean one more single time, you will be at the risk of being fired." She said in a shaky voice, clearly trying to hold her rage in. She was tired of him constantly showing up late to work. She added:

"Just get to work already, will ya? And you better not pull any silly pranks on me. You'll regret it." She concluded with a serious look on her face, before going to the other side of the counter, happily serving a sugar-tamed customer.

Chester's smile only grew wider— of course he wasn't going to listen to whatever she said. He already had a few tricks up his sleeve...

Authors Note: I know that this chapter is short, but I'm working on part 2 yalls:>

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