Chapter 12: The Genius Child Actor

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Time passed by I became a child actor and still holds the title of a genius child actor, I was 6 years old that means the protagonist and his sister are both 5 years old, we're 1 year apart and I was the oldest that makes me proud. Although it was a very long time that uncle and brother left we are hardly in touch and cannot communicate that frequent anymore but that didn't make me down and was determine to wait for them.

One day my mother said that uncle and brother will come home next week and that makes me nervous and exited.

" I cannot wait to see them mother!", I said in a cheerful way.

My mother giggled and said

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My mother giggled and said. " I missed them to, how are their life in there I wonder."

"let's just wait for them Kana and prays they will come home safely." she said.

The next day, I was recommended to be a child actor to a certain horror movie and that I had a partner of the same age acting the movie. I was determine and perceived that I can finally meet the Hoshino twins. I was really thrilled and thought to be their friends anyway and plans to avoid Ai's faith of being murdered. I was also regretful that I could not protect the doctor Gorou and tries to search for him by internet and found that the authority confirms him dead although his body was not found.

I did not worry myself and practices my part as to not make any mistake and cause trouble for anyone. If you ask me if my mother used me as the manga and story Oshinoko would, you are wrong instead my mother became dotting and really did not care about fame anymore than the original would. I was really happy for her and the time I became an actor, I was worried if my mother became a manipulator someday but it did not came and she stay's the normal behavior towards treating me but he did not spoils me instead discipline me sometimes for a lot of reasons that needed be.

The day of the act I went inside the car and mother drove me to the destination of the shooting of the movie and finally thought I could meet the main characters and thinking of what impression should I show them since I was not the original kana anymore.

To be continue~

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