Chapter 3: The Story Of The Lost Soul

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  After the nurse left, my rude mother put me in the hospital crib and started to sleep. However, I keep awake, try not to cause trouble, and think about what just happened to me. After some time passed, I now a tiny bit realize the situation I'm in. 


              Kana Arima/ Ray's POV

"Am I that tsundere Kana Arima who is foul-mouthed, treats her staff in the industry like trash, used by her parents, and fell in love with the manipulator protagonist!?" "That hateful manga and anime I just read and watched that was recommended by my best friend..." "Is this for real!?""I don't want this life anymore!!!" "Please transport me to one of the mobs, just not her!!" feeling complicated.

"Now that you've thought about it, my mother in this life does not care about me one bit now that I became her baby." "In the anime Oshinoko, I just realized that Kana Arima's mother just used her for fame and just cast her aside after Kana grew up a bit, including the agency she made a contract with." 

Feeling left out, she became more numb to her own emotions, lost her pride as an actress, looked down on herself, and lost interest in every person she met. Until she met the protagonist, Aqua Hoshino, who led her to fall for him but gets hurt in the end. That's why I really hate the anime itself because of its twisted story. First,  the story begins with a bit of tragedy, but from the second page it becomes a bit soft, but the twist plot occurs again, which is why I don't like the anime. Also, the protagonist manipulates everyone just to take revenge on his father, which caused the death of Ai his mother. Well, as for me, I was just some regular citizen just a while ago, died, and reincarnated as someone else, none other than the tsundere character Arima Kana from Oshinoko. Feeling confused by the situation I'm in, I tried to understand it instead. I missed my family, including my best friend Nathalie. Why did I die? There are things I wanted to experience while I had a normal life with a loving family. Is this perhaps my punishment?" Haaah~ let's sleep it out for now. I'm tired of thinking already."
"Hick.. Hick.. Hick.. Heuck." "I will do better, so don't cast me aside, mom, director, everyone... "

"Hmm? Who is crying? Her voice is kind of familiar."

I heard someone crying from a distance, and for a moment I saw a girl crying from there. I now know where that crying came from, and it's none other than the original soul of the person I POSSESS, Kana Arima.

While I keep walking the girl talk

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While I keep walking the girl talk.

"Stop right there," said the girl. 

"umm, I'm really sorry if I disturb you."

"it's Okey, I don't mind," while pouting.

She keeps talking until she said.

"I am you, and you are me, so don't feel guilty that you stole my body since we are one,"  she said while standing up and facing me. 

"Ahh, this girl is really strong,"  I thought to myself. 

From the time I still watched "Oshinoko,"  I really admired the protagonist's mother, Ai Hoshino, because she is a really strong teenage girl, but her only flaw is that she keeps lying to herself and to others constantly. That's why I felt pity for her. However, when I knew Kana Arima, I saw many flaws in her, like how she kept lying to herself but remained strong like Ai did when she still keep up on life. Despite the negative comments she receives in both real life and on social media, she never thinks of suicide or ending her life. That's why I fell for her, I liked her from then on, and wished for her happiness, although she is only a character from a story. 

"You know what? I really, really liked you." 

"What?", astonished of what I said. "But I only keep messing up. My personality is bad, and all the people ignore me now." "I'm scared." With strong, resisting eyes, she shed a few tears. 

Ahh... Just what environment did you experience for you to be this sad? I thought for myself and drew nearer to her. 

"Don't worry!!! I will, no. We will live the life we wanted for sure!" "And I will definitely be strong no matter what and achieve things that make us happy; just look up for them."

The little girl, Kana, was shocked by Ray's words but believed in her and trusted her

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The little girl, Kana, was shocked by Ray's words but believed in her and trusted her. 

"Then please take care of me!" while smiling

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"Then please take care of me!" while smiling. 

"Then, good bye," little kana said. 

I woke up from my slumber and realized it was only a dream, but I consider it a situation that happens to me.

To be continue~

Reincarnated as the tsundere characterWhere stories live. Discover now