Chapter 20: I Still Love You

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During the stay in the resort, while walking on the dark way with only the light of the moon and the flashlight in the hand of Hikaru Kamiki, walking with Ruby and Ai. While walking to them Hikaru feel awkward walking with them and his constantly steal glances of Ruby and Ai that walks behind him. Ai notice and started to talk.

" What it is Hikaru?", while smiling.

" Nothing...."

After the talk it became quiet again. Ruby notice the tension and started to talk.

" Wow! The stars is really beautiful tonight mam- Ai-san  and brother Kamiki." she said in an awkward smile and looking at them.

("Ugh! SAY SOMETHING GUYS,"pleade in her thoughts)

To run away of the hard atmosphere, Ruby snatch the flashlight in the hands of Hikaru and said.

" sorry brother Kamiki, can I have the flashlight? ", while already holding it and went to the front.

" wait-", Hikaru being cut off.

Both Hikaru and Ai is left alone on the back. Hikaru still glances at Ai and Ai just remain calm and reserved as ever.

" This won't do... ", Ai said with a pocker face with her.

When Ruby is far away from them Ai begins.

" Hikaru it's been a long time.", she said still looking at the front.

" Ye, yeah....", Hikaru relied.

" You did not stay in contact of me for a very long time....", Ai said.

" You got it all wrong..!", Hikaru feeling panic.

" You don't have to be considerate", Ai said with a black star.

Hikaru thinking for a moment and started to look determine to tell something to Ai.

" I STILL LOVE YOU", he said in a determine look.

" What!?", Ai being in shock.

" You made me pregnant with Aqua and Ruby and then you just tell me that you still love me for all this years!?, she shouted.

When Ai shout, Ruby notice and ame near them until Ruby realize what's going on and found out who's his real father was.

" what is this!? Big brother Kamiki are you my Father!?", she said while in tears.

" Yes..."

All ba came a clear between them three from then on. However, Ai is still in progress of what happen and remain quiet, not knowing what she must reply about that or she should forgive him or not. The three decided to keep this happening a secret and plan to tell Aqua later if they come back. The three walk and found the red flag on a certain beautiful view they saw and take some Pic together and they have so much fun until they plan to go back.

Ruby keeps on looking at Kamiki and is still in complication since she is confuse what she should call him from now on.

" Call me Dad if you want or avoid it if you guys does not want anyone knowing it." kamiki said.

" o-Okey..." Ruby said while Ai keeps quiet for a while and said.

" someday there would be a time everyone will know the truth and there so many things that will change because of it so that I want to keep our family a secret... " she said in determination.

" Okey, if that's what you want..." Kamiki raplied in approval but with a mixed of guilt.

Lastly he only said at last was saying" Sorry".

To be continue~

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