Chapter 7: When did it all start?

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The heavy downpour of rain continued without stopping. Countless buckets of water's worth were being dumped all across each corner of the town, filling both the streets and alleyways with flowing water that threatened to wash away anything in its path.

Yet when the rain comes, darkness is almost certain as what follows with rain is the dark clouds that hover and loom far above in the sky, casting shadows across each sector of the town.

In the shadows where everything remains unseen until an element of light is brought forth to shine upon the darkness, creatures often lurk and prosper, running amok and causing havoc.

She stepped forth into the central part of the town and with a large hunk of steel being dragged along the floor, she made her way through the alleyways and specific paths as if she had gone through this process hundreds of times already.

The streets were empty with nothing but the faint glow of the houses and the barely permeating light from the sun came piercing through the clouds to light up the path before her. 

Saying that, though it was useful, it was not as if she needed the assistance of it anyway for she had already known where it would be and what she'd expect as for decades now she was handed to manage this single job. 

As her shoes splashed into a puddle of murky water, she walked through one last dark alleyway, and emerging from it, she found herself in a small space filled with nothing but garbage. Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen in the vicinity as mere pieces of dirtied trash littered the floor.

Though despite that, she stood there for a second longer, and once it did finally pass, she turned her head to her right instantly, staring down at one particular spot where a small pile of garbage lay in waste.

It was nothing conspicuous and in addition to that, she could sense nothing at all from the spot. Yet she did so anyway as if she could see through whatever was there and with her right arm, she handled the halberd carefully.

She raised the impeccable blade that bore an impossibly sharp edge and with precise handling, she swung it down in one monstrous swoop, letting the heavy weight of the imbalance weapon fall down into the ground.

In the blink of an eye, it crashed right through the pile of garbage, sending a sudden disruption into the falling rain that sent them flying in every direction. 

The concrete floor of the town streets instantly broke under the intense strike and for a moment, nothing happened other than the flinging of debris that shot into each direction.

The berzerker stood there and remained standing in the very same position for a second longer and with her eyes staring straight into the mark of the tarnished flooring, she then took stance and suddenly kicked the air even when there was nothing there in the first place.

But not even a half second as she performed a kick, something shot out from one of the piles of garbage she struck her weapon upon. It perfectly flew into the direction of where her foot was and in the next moment, the creature's eyes were met with the soles of someone's shoe.

It shot straight into the wall across the small space they stood within and smacked the solid wall. The force of the kick itself proceeded to leave a mark where the creature found itself sent towards and as the small creature rose under the shadows on its last legs, there it met her.

The small dark purplish blob-like creature looked up with its three eyeballs and from its perspective, all it could see was the eyes of something truly demonic and even more monstrous of an abomination than it was.

Her axe's blade glinted under the few light sources of her surroundings and with her body covered by a brown hood, her face was shrouded in darkness, leaving only the piercing red glow of her eyes staring back at the unfortunate creature's very eyes.

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