Chapter 27: When disaster finally struck...

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As evening rolled in, the dwarf sat as still as a statue, timing his movements precisely enough to strike down upon the equipment he carefully handled. He gripped his hammer firmly and pinpointing the strength he needed at that moment, he wielded it and swung down...

The hammer struck perfectly upon the breastplate and with the remaining amount of mana inserted with the enchantments applied accordingly, he took the piece of equipment with a pair of metal tweezers and promptly dumped it into the water where it pillowed out smoke.

As it sizzled away in the water, he picked it back out and set it to where the other armor pieces were, he took his glove out to brush his sweat-covered forehead; his expression slightly weary from spending the entire afternoon to evening in the forge.

He allowed himself to relax for a moment and taking out yet another bottle of beer, he walked over to the edge of the workshop, he sat down to drink; his eyes slowly turning towards the skies where he noticed the change in weather.

"Getting pretty dark already looks like it's going to come down again... Wonder what snow will feel like again once I finally get out of here..." He said as he chugged down the entire bottle, reminiscing of his hometown and the constant coldness of his surroundings.

"Right, I guess it's about time that thing showed up... Now where did I put that thing, ah there it is..." Dhargan said aloud, picking up a war hammer and fitting an old but well-made Viking helmet atop his head, he took a step out and without a moment of hesitation, swung his axe.

At the very same moment, an abominable creature that looked to be an amalgamation of creatures with the most notable feature being its wolf-like face and the frighteningly pointy and sharp claws that swung to kill.

It was something beyond nature, a creature born with the pure nature to seek murder and a mind that craved nothing but blood. It zipped straight through the fields behind the dwarf's workshop but upon reaching little than thirty centimeters away from its target..

Its skull was suddenly caved in with the mighty swing of the enormous hammer; the chunk of pure metal struck the head of the creature and in that one swing alone, it fell to its side, seemingly perished as its soul floated away into the afterlife.

"Whew, didn't expect it to get this close this time. Though with this dwarven strength of mine, seems like it died one swing once again... Makes it the twentieth now, quite a kill streak if I must say so myself~" He said proudly as he set his hammer aside to slug down another bottle of beer.

With the evening proceeding as usual, he went back to work promptly, and with everything finally finished, he sat down once again; his eyes pointed outward and to the skies where he admired the view while the clouds gathered to form rain clouds.

The silence and calming sounds of wind blowing started to make him drowsy but before his tiredness kicked in, he was quickly interrupted by his customer who had arrived just on time to pick up the equipment that was being worked upon.

"Lass! Looks like you're still kicking after all. Got the message something happened down at Maxel's area, seems like he's taken care of it without issue... Your stuff's on the table, tell me if there are any final adjustments you need..." Dhargan said as he chilled his hands with his beer.

"Right... But, is that the corpse of a monster over there? Did you kill it by yourself? It seems quite the specimen..." I commented as I observed the abominable creature lying motionless on the grass as its blood was slowly drained into the dirt.

"That thing? It's just a bugger that bothers me once a week, no need to worry. It's about as strong as a typical knight, no need to concern yourself over it..." He said as if it was an event so casual he could gloss over it without a bat of an eye.

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