We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes

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General POV

Maria was sleeping, spread over the entire bed. She tossed and turned because she was drunk when she went to sleep. Maria turned on her back and started snoring a little. Marcel came in and looked at Maria. He smiled a little because he's often walked in on her sleeping. He used his phone to take a picture of Maria. Her hair was also messy, which would add to the embarrassment. He went over the curtains and pulled them open.
"Rise and Shine." He said, making her groan.
"Five more minutes." Maria groaned. Marcel decided to let her sleep a little longer and left the room. Maria decided to check her phone. She woke up enough to read it.

'Found the sword. Coming home. See you soon luv ~ Klaus' Maria had to blink a few times and make herself wake up before re-reading the text. She sighed before yawning. "I should not be up this early." She says to herself before getting out of the bed.

The bedroom she was in was the same one she had when she helped build the town. It had a few modern improvements like a TV and electricity, but most of it stayed the same. It was probably her favorite place that she has out of all the countless others. Maria walked to her bathroom, not picking up her feet as she walked. She just need a good shower, breakfast and a little bit of caffeine and she would be ready to go.
Maria rode her motorcycle into Mystic Falls. She wore a helmet because she liked the full experience of riding a motorcycle. It would have taken her almost 15 hours to drive her motorcycle from New Orleans to Mystic Falls, but she went above the speed limit and compelled her way out of traffic tickets. Maria only had to stop once for gas and still made it in record time.

Maria parked in the parking lot of The Grill. She got off the motorcycle and stretched her legs. 'Not that long on my bike again' She thought to herself because it was a long hall. Maria took her things out the little trunk of the bike, took off her helmet, and walked inside. Her eyes went straight to Klaus, who was already sitting at the bar. 'Why am I here again?' Maria thinks to herself as she walked towards him. 'I haven't told him Marcel is still alive' Maria thinks to herself, but decided not to say anything as she sat down next to Klaus. Klaus looked over at Maria, watching her set her helmet on the bar. They didn't say anything to each other. Klaus slid his glass to her and she sniffed it before drinking it.
"Did you have a good time?" Maria asked.
"It would have been better if you were with me." Klaus said.
"Yeah...well, you were being a dick to your sister....again."
"It's what brothers do sweetheart." Maria rolled her eyes. Maria ordered another drink. "How about lunch?" She couldn't help but think of Klaus's offer. Maria was hungry, but knew Klaus buying her lunch would mean it's a date.
"It's just lunch." Maria said and Klaus smiled. 'One step at a time' He thinks and they order food.

Maria silently ate when they got their food. She ordered one of her favorites. A Bacon Cheeseburger and onion rings. Maria liked the greasy and fattening foods the most over anything else. Klaus watched Maria devour her food.
"When was the last time you ate? Klaus asked.
"An actual meal? Like two days ago...I think." Maria answered with a mouthful of food. "There was an all day party yesterday with some friends of mine..." She added after swallowing her food. "And before you ask, I fed yesterday...during the party." Maria added. Klaus took it upon himself and ordered more food for Maria. "You don't have to..."
"I know..." Klaus put his hand on Maria's hand. She couldn't help but look at their hands together. Maria slowly lifted her hand and held Klaus's hand. Klaus smiled a little, glad he was holding her hand. Maria on the other hand couldn't help but think of that night in 1919 that she left. There was only one person that knew the whole truth and that was Marcel. 'Klaus should know...' Maria thinks to herself and realized how warm Klaus felt. 'I missed that' She thinks, but takes her hand away. Klaus took a sip from his glass. Maria took a deep breath.
"I'm going to the bathroom." She said before getting up with her phone.

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