New Orleans Part 2

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General POV

Maria was peacefully sleeping the next morning. Her head was on Klaus's chest with his arm wrapped around her. It was often how they would end up when they slept together. Klaus's eyes slowly opened and he smiled to himself when he saw that Maria was still in bed with him. He knew she could have left to go to New Orleans, but was glad she didn't ruin the mood. Klaus slowly moved on hand through her hair, gently untangling it at the same time.

Maria smiled in her sleep as Klaus's hand when through her hair.
"I miss you." She muttered in her sleep as she cuddled closer to Klaus.
"I miss you to." He whispered to her as he kissed the top of her head. Maria moaned a little and started to open her eyes.
"Is it morning already?" She asked with a yawn.
"You slept for two weeks." Klaus said, trying to see how awake she was. Maria moved and looked at Klaus. There was a second when she believed it. She knew that he was joking when she was the entertained look on his face.
"You are mean." She playfully slapped Klaus, who just looked at Maria with a smile.
"You're so beautiful when you're angry." Maria narrowed her eyes at him.
"Are you saying I'm not beautiful?" She asked to challenge him.
"You always are." He said and kissed her. She smiled and kissed back.
"Oh, crap." She said, remembering the text from Marcel. "I need to go to New Orleans."
"I'll go with you." Klaus whispered as he kissed her neck, trying to get her to stay.
"No. It's not going to take me long anyway." Maria said and made herself push Klaus off of her. "I will be back. Promise." She gave a smile and stood from the bed, only to be pulled back by Klaus. "Nik..please." She said as she looked in his eyes. "It's important." Maria gave him a kiss on the cheek before using vampire speed to get away before he could pull her back again.
Maria took a quick shower and changed at the house she was sharing with Rebecca before speeding to New Orleans. She sped straight to the compound, hoping Marcel would be there. Maria went to the kitchen to get something to eat. 'Someone messed up the cupboards' She thinks to herself when it took her five minutes to find a bowl. Maria sighed and poured herself some cereal before hearing some noise.

Maria walked out with her bowl and saw Diego.
"Hey Diego." She said to get his attention.
"Oh, it's you." He said, pretending that she wasn't important. Maria rolled her eyes as she ate some cereal. "Where's your hot looking sister?"
"Please don't tell me you have a crush on Katherine." Maria said. "Especially when I'm hotter compared to her." She bragged as Diego smirked a little. "Do you know where Marcel is?"
"He's at Joe's store." Diego said.
"Thanks." Maria said before finishing her cereal. "And you and Katherine....wouldn't work out." She added before going to Joe's music store.

Maria walked into the store and saw Joe talking with Marcel.
"Now how's my favorite lady?" Joe asked when he saw Maria.
"I don't know." She said. "I'll ask when I see her." Maria smiled as they hugged.
"I heard you were out of town." Joe said.
"Yeah...but this idiot keeps making me come back." Maria said as she pointed to Marcel. Marcel rolled his eyes.
"I texted you last night." Marcel said to Maria.
"I know. I was...busy." Maria said with a small smile. "I was having sex." Marcel shook his head.
"I'll talk to you later." Marcel said to Joe before talking Maria outside.
"What's so important?" Maria asked.
"Let me show you." Marcel said. He started to walk away and Maria followed.
Marcel lead Maria into a church. Her eyes went wide when she saw the dried blood.
"What happened here?" She asked.
"Kieran's nephew murdered nine seminary students before killing himself." He explained.
"Not Sean." Maria said. "I liked him." She added because they were sort of friends.
"That's not all." Marcel nodded his head, signaling Maria to follow him.

Maria could hear a heartbeat and wondered what Marcel was up to.
"Wait here." He said before going up ahead. Maria watched Marcel as he opened a door and peeked his head in the room. "I brought you a visitor." He said and signaled Maria to come closer. Marcel stepped into the room as Maria stood at the doorway. When she looked inside, she saw a brunette in a white dress.
"Maria, this is Davina." Marcel said. "Davina...this is one of the people who raised me." Maria smiled a little.
"So, you're like his mom?" Davina asked Maria, who chuckled a little.
"He wishes." Maria answered and Marcel rolled his eyes. "Can I come in?" She asked. Davina looked to Marcel, who nodded his head. Davina looked back at Maria and nodded her head. Maria slowly stepped in and walked to Marcel's side. "I see you like art." Maria said as she admired the room. Maria noticed Davina looking at her with a weary look. "I'm a nice 99% of the time." She said.
"Is it okay if she keeps you company while I get you some stuff to make it more comfortable in here?" Marcel asked Davina.
"Sure...." Davina said and looked at Maria.
"Try to keep the noise low." He said and left the two girls alone.
"How old are you?" Davina asked to make conversation.
"Counting or not counting how long I've been a vampire?" Maria asked. "Not counting, I'm 17." Maria answered. "With I'm about..." She counted with her fingers "..536 give or take a few years. I'm starting to lose track." Davina looked at Maria with a sad look in her eyes. "You?"
"17." Davina answered and Maria gave her a sad look.
"So...what happened?" Maria asked.
"My coven tried to kill me. Marcel saved me." Davina answered.
"So you're a witch?" Maria asked and Davina nodded. "Well, Marcel is a good guy. I'm not just saying that because I mostly raised him." She added. Maria sat on the edge of the bed that was in there. "This is...cozy." She says, referring to the room.
"Marcel bought the stuff." Davina said.
Marcel returned a few hours later to see that Maria and Davina were laughing. He set a box down.
"I see my favorite girls are getting along." Marcel said and Maria fought the urge to roll her eyes.
"I like her." Maria genuinely said about Davina.
"I got you some more paint supplies." Marcel said to Davina as Maria stood up.
"You're such a nice person..." Maria teased Marcel as she pinched his cheek. Davina smiled a little while Marcel just looked embarrassed. Marcel almost glared at her. "I'm allowed to." She said in her defence.
"We have to go..." Marcel starts to say to Davina "...will you be okay?"
"I'm sure she can handle herself." Maria said to Marcel as she gave a small smile to Davina. "If you want to talk, just tell Marcel to call me." She looked from Davina to Marcel. "I should be on speed dial." She added as she gave a look to Marcel. It silently said if she wasn't, Marcel would be in trouble. Maria gave a wave to Davina as she left with Marcel.
Marcel and Maria were walking back to the compound together.
"Who has been messing up the cabinets?" She asked.
"I don't know." Marcel said. "I'll look into it." Maria looked to Marcel and saw the look on his face.
"It's you..." Maria said and Marcel shook his head.
"Why would I do it?"
"...maybe because you're you?" Maria asked with a small smile. Marcel shrugged and Maria dropped it, for now.

They got back to the compound. There was a lot of vampires that Marcel and Maria turned there.
"All you can eat?" Maria asked with a smile, because it was one of her ideas.
"Yeah, feel free to stay..." Marcel said "...unless you have to get back..." Maria shrugged.
"Nik can wait..." Maria said and froze after a second. Then she blushed.
"You're back with him?" Marcel asked, catching what she said.
"Well, we had one date..." Maria said as they walked upstairs together "...and sex." Marcel pretended not to have a disgusted face. A part of him did consider Klaus and Maria to be his parents. He prefered Maria since she came back after the fire in 1918 and Klaus just ran. "And I may have admitted to him that I still love him..." Maria added. "But you know Klaus is Klaus so you don't know how long it will last..this time." She added as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Maria pulled it out as they walked into one of the main rooms. Marcel went to the bottles and took out two glasses. He glanced at Maria, who looked at her phone. She got a text from Klaus, asking when she'd be back.
'Don't worry. I'll be back in a few days' Maria sent back. It was a lie since she had planned to be back for the Christmas celebration in the Grill.
Maria stood at the top, looking down at everyone dancing. She noticed how well the vampires blended in with the humans. 'So well behaved' She thinks to herself, liking how their community turned out.
"This is so beautiful." Maria said as Marcel joined her side. She was proud of what they built together.
"Thanks to me." Marcel said and Maria looked at him. "And you." Maria smirked a little and patted his shoulder. "You better not forget about me." She said before going down to join the vampires below. She grabbed a glass and took a sip before dancing with some people. Marcel stayed above and watched everybody.

Maria enjoyed herself, wanting to move back to New Orleans. It was one of her favorite places in the world. At the same time she did like Mystic Falls. She didn't know if she could stay in Mystic Falls for Klaus. There was also the news of the cure. She didn't know what she would do if she had it. Maria just shook her head as she danced, easily pushing the thoughts to the side. She held the person in front of her close before compelling them to be quiet. She bit into their neck with hunger, drinking slow. As she slowly drank the blood, it allowed her to distract herself from reality.
After she was done feeding, she took a shower. She put on pink shorts and a matching tank top. She stood near the window and looked out. The lights of the city shined and she smiled to herself. 'I'll move back here someday' She thinks to herself before laying in her bed. Maria slowly fell asleep, thinking about the city and Klaus. 
Author's note:
-This was the last finished chapter I had years ago. I did start chapter 9, but I noticed I never finished it. Hopefully if people are enjoying this story finally being updated, I'll work on that chapter and update it sometime soon. 
-Please let me know if you think Maria should go with Klaus (and his family) back to New Orleans and take part in The Originals series, stay in Mystic Falls or go back and forth between the two in a possible sequel story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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