Chapter 9

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Mayas POV

I step out of the building, ready to hail a cab. My work didn't take long and I finished my essay. "Hey! You! You're Miss Delucas assistant aren't you? I need to see her, immediately." I look up to see a tall, well dressed, skinny, blonde standing beside me, wanting my attention.

I have Carinas shirt hanging over my forearm with my phone in my other hadn. My bag is slung across my shoulder. "Yes, Ms Cavanaugh, I'm her assistant. I'm sorry, she's not in the office though. She has a business meeting across town and won't be returning back today. Would you like me to give her a message for you?" I switch my phone to my other hand, ready to take note.

She gasps. She forcefully grabs my hand and brings my ring closer for inspection. Her face is red in rage, she has a look of disgust and I think murder?? "You! You're the bitch that stole her out from under me!" I jerk my hand out of her grip. I refuse to say anything. I'm not going to lie and I don't want outsiders to know what we're talking about. Ms Cavanaugh goes into a tirade. "She chose a worthless, lowly assistant over me? Who the hell do you think you are? You better watch yourself. I'm not going to lose her to some skanky tramp. I have every intention of getting her back. She is MINE!"

Did she really just threaten me? "Ms Cavanaugh. I think you'll find that according to the law... She is mine."

Her eyes shoot daggers at me. "You bitch!" I see her hand raise out of the corner of my eye. I flinch in anticipation of the slap. Ms Cavanaugh's hand, however it doesn't reach me.

Her hand is caught mid air by a hand that belongs to another person. I sigh in relief as I notice it's Carinas hand.

"Zara, what do you think you are doing?" Why are you harassing my employees?" She effortlessly throws her arm back down.

"Honey, I can forgive you for you momentary lapse in judgement. I got the paperwork for you to fix this little hiccup. Just fill it out and we can still get married." She pulls a stack of papers as thick as a college textbook out of a gift bag. A gift bag really?

"Zara. I already told you it's done. There is nothing more to discuss." Three security guards step up behind Carina. It's an intimidating sight if I do say so myself. Zara throws the bag of papers to the ground and storms away I pick the bag off of the ground. "What are you doing?" Carina asks.

I wink at her and walk over to the nearest trash can which is only a few feet away. I drop the bag into the bin. The weight of the stacks makes it sink straight to the bottom. I turn back around, she has that charming smirk on her face, of course she does.

I smile at her. "Thank you for stopping her. What are you doing here? You're meant to be across town at a meeting right now?" I ask her.

She tilts her head towards his guards, who step back slightly. "I got a message that Zara was loitering around the building. I heard everything just now. What happened, how did she find out about you?" She seems genuinely worried about me.

I hold up my hand."She saw my ring and freaked out."

She nods. "She snooped in my jacket pocket the other night. I'm sorry, I didn't want her to know who you are."

I shrug my shoulders, in understanding. "Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag now."

Carina wraps her hands around my waist. "I guess it is." She kisses me deeply. I'm breathless when she pulls back. "I have to get going," she tells me before she plants another kiss on my lips. "Ryan, see that, Mrs Deluca gets home safely."

One of the guards steps forward. He looks young but I can see his muscles through his shirt and he has a serious face on him. "Yes ma'am. This way Miss." Carina watches my as I walk away.

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