Chapter 10

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Thought I'd update today since it's the first part of the series finale tonight.

Mayas POV

"Andy, I'm so happy you're here!" Andy has been my best friend since high school. Our schedules have both been pretty crazy, so I haven't seen her before I went to Las Vegas.

"So, tell me, why are you moving?" She agreed to help me pack up. I hold up my left hand so my ring is on full display. "What the fuck, Maya!" She grabs my hand and inspects my ring. "Wow he did good. So, when's the big day?"

I bite my lip, "Actually... we're already married and she's a she not a he." Her eyes bug out and her mouth drops open. I drag her inside and fill her in on everything while we pack up the rest of my apartment, with the exception of the name and title of who I married. I'll save that for a surprise for later.

We were munching on pizza after packing everything, with the exception for what I need for tonight and tomorrow. "So when do I get to meet this mysterious woman?" Andy asks.

I shrug my shoulder with a small smile. "Maybe after graduation we can go out?"

She scoffs "Bitch, you're going to me wait that long?"

I shake my head it really isn't that far away until we graduate. "Okay, well, then when else would we have the time?" I laugh at her antics.

She grabs her coke. "That's true. So, one thing I don't get is, Why didn't you just get it annulled?"

I think for a minute before answering. "We made a deal. We stay married for one year, she pays for my student loans and all of dads medical fees. She actually moved dad to a new facility that closer to me and paid for it."

Andy looks at me flustered. "So, she's rich and you're doing it for money? That's not like you Maya. Come on you can tell me. Whats the real reason?" She knows me better than anyone, even both of my parents combined.

"You're right. I've had a crush on her since the first time I met her but even more importantly when we were in Vegas I slept with her." I whispered the last part.

"Maya, I thought you wanted to save yourself for marriage?" She questioned. She knows my thoughts on this particular subject and the reasons behind it.

I laughed at her "Well technically I did."

Andy raises her eyebrows and gives me her signature smirk. "So, how was it?"

I feel the heat in my cheeks, how should I know. I don't remember a thing. I can't tell her that though. It would make her extremely worried and fell sorry for me. Plus I haven't told her about the extra part of my new wife, I couldn't think of a good way to bring it up, so I didn't say anything.  "Th..that's personal. But she is so sexy." I slouch into my sofa thinking of her.

She rolls her eyes at me. "What's going to happen after the year is up? You're going to be heart broken."

I lower my head. I'm trying not to think about that. "You know that saying 'It's better to have loved and lost'"

She shakes her head and gives me a sad look. "I don't think this is a good idea Maya but I guess it's too late to change your mind about this. I'm here for you, you know that right? I gotta run though. I'll see you Saturday." She hugs me and then leaves.

I clean up our mess then lie down for the night. Andy isn't the only one worried I'll end up heartbroken I wake up to my second alarm and drag myself out of bed. It's moving day today. I take a quick shower and grab some of my left over pizza for breakfast. I'm packing the rest of my things when a knock sounds at my door.

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