☆ First Look ☆

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The sun has barely risen when a woman with h/l h/c wakes up, feeling groggily as she rubs her eyes trying to adjust to the darkened sunlight. She checks the time on her phone and realizes she only has a few hours before her history class. Jumping out of bed , she quickly gets ready for the day careful not to disturb her dad who's downstairs working on his paperwork.

As she's about to walk out of the door she hears her dad's footsteps walking towards her and she stops knowing he'll want to say goodbye.

"Princess were you trying to sneak away?" her dad asks with a smirk.

"No Dad I just have to leave for my class" she rolls her eyes with a smile.

"Remember tonight I have the team coming over for dinner" he reminds her.

"I know Dad I'll be here" she promises kissing his cheek.

"Have a good day" he calls to her as she's walking out of the door.


After getting off of the metro she begins to walk to the campus that's ahead, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had heard that there was a new professor teaching the rest of the course this semester, and she's curious to see what he's like.

From other students in her class she heard that he's some big shot FBI agent, she's also heard that he's a tall nerdy guy with too much knowledge for his own good.

As she walks into the lecture room, she notices that the other students are also looking around curiously, trying to spot the new professor. When he finally walks in, the students begin to whisper amongst themselves.

The new professor is tall with a lean build, curly long hair wearing a dark purple cardigan with a pair of black dress pants and wearing a pair of scuffed up black converse.

Y/n can't help but look at him in awe, yes there's no denying that this man is older and clearly very shy but he's unlike any of the professors she's seen.

"Hello I'm Dr.Reid your new History professor" he introduces himself writing his name on the chalk board.

He rambles on about the differences between historical poets in their time.
Y/n watches his movements and the way he talks so passionately about the topic they're learning about and before she can register what she's doing she raises her hand.

"Yes?" Dr.Reid points to her with a smile.

"I personally think that Edgar Allen Poe's works all have similar qualities. For example The Murders in the Rue Morgue's theme is the exercise of ingenuity in detecting a murderer, The Mystery of Marie Roget is about a man trying to solve an unsolved murder of a woman named Marie Roget, and The Purloined Letter is about a letter that's stolen from the royal apartments. All of these works of his are written with a sadness and darkness that really shows in the writing style Edgar uses and those are just his most well known pieces. I prefer The Raven but I can understand how others might like these pieces more, I just think that Edgar was overlooked because of his dark writing style but there's a beauty to the darkness written" she tells him earning the classes attention.

"Wow, yes I agree..." he looks at his clipboard trying to figure out her name.

"Y/n" she smiles at him.

"Y/n" he says to himself before turning back to the board to explain the rest of his lecture.

As the class ends Dr.Reid says his goodbyes to his students and sees Y/n about to walk out of the door.

"Y/n can you stay back for a moment?" he asks smiling when she turns to look at him with a nod.

The students all leave the class leaving the new professor and Y/n alone in the large classroom.

"Your view on Edgar Allen Poe is very impressive" he compliments.

"Thank you, your teaching methods are impressive" she smiles softly.

"Thank you" he smiles awkwardly and fiddles with his satchel strap.

"I have another class to get to but it was a pleasure meeting you, Dr.Reid" she smiles.

"Pleasures all mine and I hope you enjoyed the class" he replies.

"I did enjoy the class, I was worried that we'd get a professor who doesn't understand anything we're working towards but I'm thankful you do" she smiles biting her lip.

"Yes I'm glad it worked out" he nods sneaking a look at her lips.

"Well have a good day Dr.Reid" she smiles turning to leave.

"Spencer" he speaks up nervously.

She smiles to herself and turns around tilting her head motioning for him to continue.

"You can call me Spencer" he says more confidently.

"Okay..Spencer it was nice meeting you" she smiles.

"You as well" he nods shuffling on his feet.


Spencer stands in the classroom mumbling to himself not understanding what had just happened. He's been attracted to women before but never a woman that's significantly younger than him. Y/n didn't look any older than early twenties and he's hitting 40 in the months to come. He sighs straightening out his cardigan trying to ease his scrambled thoughts as he walks out of the class.

Once he's at his apartment getting ready to sleep all his thoughts go to the young student he had a good conversation with alone in the lecture room. He feels his heart race with uncertainty and excitement at the feeling of attraction again. After all the failed relationships and lost lovers he couldn't help but feel the missed unknown feeling of what something could be.

What was wrong with him, he's only just met her and she happens to be one of his students. But after trying to distract his mind it fails again going right back to the young woman he'd met earlier that day.

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