☆ Doubts ☆

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The days after the gathering at the Rossi household
Y/n and Spencer continued to keep their relationship a secret except from Emily who voiced her concerns but eventually gave them her approval.

Y/n walks down the halls of the university and when rounding the corner to Spencer's class she goes into the room expecting to see him seated hunched over his desk reading per usual but instead she's met with him leaning on his desk lost in thought with his arms crossed and eyebrows knitted in concentration.

When hearing her approach him he looks up with a ghost of a smile and looks away continuing his lost in thought position.

"Is everything okay?" she asks confused.

"Class isn't for another half hour" he looks at his watch telling her in a monotone voice.

"I thought I'd come see you before it" she smiles sweetly.

"Please refrain from doing that Ms.Rossi" he sighs continuing to look at the floor in thought.

He glances at her and sees a flash of hurt in her eyes and sighs straightening his posture.

"Okay Dr.Reid I just wanted to let you know that I won't be seeing you after class, I have a study session with a friend of mine" she tells him with a saddened tone.

"Alright see you during class" he nods looking away.

"Bye" she sighs turning on her heels walking out of the room.


Y/n watches Spencer closely as he teaches the class and barely acknowledges her, not even a glance in her direction. Has she done something wrong? She knows they have to hide what's happening between them but he's completely ignoring her now and she can feel her heart breaking.

Once the class ends she gathers her things walking away avoiding looking in his direction knowing that he'll be avoiding her like the plague.


Spencer walks down the hall towards the library wanting to see if their collection has new books but instead he's met with Y/n sitting at one of the tables with a man her age laughing with one another. He can feel his jaw tightening when the man places a hand on her shoulder whispering something earning him a laugh and a scolding from the librarian.

He watches as she talks with a wide smile and feels doubt creep in. Is he really what she needs? Am I enough for her?

Deciding to leave not able to bear seeing the woman he's starting to fall for talk with a man her age he turns on his heels walking in a different direction lost in thought once more.


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