☆ Momentary Sweetheart ☆

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Spencer sits in the BAU in his desk chair with his leg bouncing up and down clicking his pen repeatedly looking over a case file that's been on his mind for weeks. His phone rings and he looks towards it seeing that Y/n is calling and ignores it going back to looking at the case. He knows he shouldn't ignore her calls but what was he supposed to say to her after completely ignoring her for days.

Rossi walks into the room with his daughter right beside him holding a book bag and a notebook close to her chest smiling at the agents.

Spencer immediately sits up straighter looking over at the two confused and begins to worry.

Why is she here?

Did something happen?

Does he know?

She walks right past Spencer's desk not sparing him a glance and walks to Hotch's office leaving Spencer watching where she walked away with a disappointed sigh and continued with his paperwork avoiding Morgan's curious watchful eyes.


Spencer feels his chest tighten watching Y/n talk with one of the officer's in the area of the case they're working on who is clearly into her. He watches as the officer places his hand on her shoulder giving her a sickeningly sweet smile. Emily stands away talking with a witness glancing to her side seeing Spencer's jaw tighten as he watches the interaction closely, she continues to listen to the witness writing any helpful information down while sparing a few glances to the lanky agent.

Having enough Spencer walks towards the two coming up with an excuse to take her away from the officer but is stopped by a hand on his arm.

"She's working, Spencer leave it" Emily assures him pulling him back to talk in private.

He walks back with Emily shuffling on his heels hating the feelings he's feeling when he sees the younger woman talking with a man close to her own age.

"He's younger" he sighs.

"Yes he is, look, Spencer she's a young woman who's just finished school and she's working" she tries to assure.

"I hate this feeling, we're not even dating but when she's around other men I feel..I feel afraid that I'll lose her" he admits looking away.

"Tell her that, stop ignoring her" she sighs looking at him sternly.

He looks up surprised that someone realized what he was doing to avoid the younger woman.

"Yes I realized, Spencer ignoring her is wrong and you're in this situation because of yourself" she tells him squeezing his arm in assurance.

Instead of saying anything he just nods looking back to the young woman who's still in a conversation with the  officer.


Y/n sits at her new desk going through the paperwork Hotch trusted her to fill out as she stares at the words sipping her coffee/or/tea clicking her pen thinking over everything she's read playing it on repeat to better understand the situation written down, but something doesn't look right.

"How's it going?"

She stops clicking her pen not looking up at the voice knowing it's Spencer.

"It's fine" she nods looking back at the papers.

"Nice, well, um..I'm going to my apartment now, just thought I'd let you know" he tells her shuffling on his heels gripping his satchel tightly.

"Yeah, bye Dr.Reid" she nods avoiding the hurt that flashes in his eyes.

"Back to last names huh" he chuckles uncomfortably.

"Well you did avoid me like the plague so yeah, last name basis" she rolls her eyes looking back to the papers.

"I didn't mean to avoid you" he whispers looking around the room relaxing a bit when he sees that no once's around.

"Bullshit, you purposely avoided me completely, just because I'm your little secret doesn't mean I don't exist" she scoffs getting up abruptly grabbing her things and leaving him standing there surprised.

She rushes out of the doors with the files shoved into her bag avoiding Emily's worried glances between the complicated lovers.

Spencer registers what's happening and rushes out of the doors after her hoping to stop her from leaving before he can say anything.
When he sees her walking away from the building he feels his heart racing from the running and from seeing her walking away from him. He hates these feelings but he knows if he ignores them he'll lose something that could be great.

"Y/n! Slow down" he calls trying to catch his breath.

"Leave me alone Spencer" she picks up her pace looking ahead.

"I'm sorry" he rasps finally able to get a grip on her shoulder turning her around to him.

"That's the thing, this will never work..everything is against us, I've tried to keep this a secret but I feel like I'm a dirty secret that you're ashamed of me, so no this is over" she points between them.

"I know I messed up, I'm just not used to being with anyone and especially not someone significantly younger, I like you a lot and I'd be an idiot to let you go just because of my fears" he tries to explain.

"I'm sorry Spencer, I just don't think I can do this" her eyes well up in tears as she turns away continuing to walk down the street leaving him standing on the sidewalk watching her leave with a broken heart.


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