☆ Attraction ☆

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Y/n walks into her house going to the kitchen to make herself a tea to clear her head when she notices the note on the counter.

-Princess, I was called into work so it'll just be you tonight, love Dad ♡-

She sighs placing the note down and walks to the cupboards grabbing out what she needs to make a calming tea.

Today was too much for her brain to process with a side of hours of assignments she needs to get done by the end of the week. Whoever said university would be fun was lying, there are no loud parties with large groups of drunk frat boys because there's no time to do any of it, the most time you have is enough to have a few hours of sleep.

She hops onto the counter waiting for the water to finish boiling in the kettle and grabs one of the papers her Dad has from work and reads over the contents.

She continues to read looking at the details given in writing until she hears the kettle switch off and she hops off the counter making her tea.


She sits in the living room curled up in a blanket drinking her tea watching a movie but her mind is somewhere else, she can't help but think about her professor. She tried to ignore her attraction and push them aside, but they keep coming back stronger. She finds her thoughts running back to the tall dark haired man who spoke with a sense of wonder and excitement, finding herself thinking about his every word and movement. The way his hands would raise when talking about a passionate topic, the hands that she pictured on her skin. His hair that she can't help but fantasize about pulling in desperation. His shoulders that were a soft build she just wanted to scratch them leaving her mark on his pale skin.

She tries to rationalize her attraction, telling herself that it was just a passing infatuation, but deep down, she knows it goes beyond that. She's drawn to his confidence and experience, his wisdom and maturity.

Knowing the challenges having an age gap as significant as theirs can be, she worries he might not reciprocate the same attraction because of her age and his experience compared to hers but being with him just might outweigh the negatives even if it's just for one night.


Y/n wakes up the next morning getting ready with a few extra added choices. Her lipgloss put on perfectly making her lips shine, her top low cut enough to see the to top plush of her breasts. She smirks to herself and grabs her bag walking downstairs ready to leave for class to see her new favourite professor.

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