☆ Sneaking Around ☆

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Over the next week Y/n and Spencer brush past one another in the university halls brushing their hands together with a quick glance across the room.

Y/n sits in her psychology class writing notes when there's a knock at the classroom door.

Her professor Mr.Fall walks to the door opening it with a smile.

"Ah Dr.Reid hello welcome" Mr.Fall smiles opening the door wider for him to come in.

"Yes hello I'm here for Ms. Y/n" Spencer tells him with a smile.

"Oh of course, Y/n!" Mr.Fall looks towards her with a smile motioning to Spencer.

Y/n stands up from her seat grabbing her bag walking down the steps towards the two men. She walks out of the door gasping quietly when she feels Spencer's hand on her lower back.

"My class is empty" he whispers in her ear walking towards the room with her.

Once they get to the class Spencer turns around locking the classroom door and turns back to Y/n who's sitting down on his office chair reading over his papers scattered on the desk.

"You look beautiful" he tells her watching her eyes look up from the papers to him.

"Why thank you and you look handsome" she smiles turning the chair to face him.

He walks over leaning down resting his hands on either side of the chair looking down at her.

"Are you going to kiss me or just stare" she smirks grabbing his tie pulling his lips to hers in a heated kiss.

The two continue to kiss until Y/n pulls away smiling up at him.

"As much as I love doing this, we need to talk" she smiles at him patting his chest.

"About?" he kisses her cheek.

"Us" she replies looking at him seriously.

He nods understanding her serious expression and leans against the desk in front of her with crossed arms waiting nervously for what she has to say.

"Spencer we've been sneaking around for a week now, we've been on three dates and we've already slept together..I know this is not a normal thing-" she struggles to find the words.

"Y/n I like you a lot, and I know this isn't ideal but I want to be with you" he kneels in front of her lifting her chin to look at him.

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