☆ Call Me Back ☆

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Y/n gets back from the library and immediately walks to her bedroom avoiding talking to her dad who sits in the living room working on a new book idea. She walks up the stairs looking at the baby pictures of herself hanging on the wall showing her growth over the years up until a picture of her holding her university acceptance letter with a big smile.

She stops in the hallway staring at that picture with guilty thoughts swimming around in her head. Everything she worked so hard for all to sleep with her professor and start an illicit affair with a man who her father has known for years.

That one picture brings tears to her eyes looking at her younger self staring back at her as guilt creeps up in her chest causing an ache so strong she can feel her body becoming weaker.

All those sleepless nights hunched over a desk putting in extra hours than needed for her classes, the long hours she's spent picturing and planning her university days with her friends.

She walks into her room with her shoulders aching in a slouch and walks to her bed flopping down onto it with a loud sigh staring at her ceiling.

All she can think about is why she's letting a man she's only been seeing for a few weeks now make her feel like this? And the answer is, she doesn't know.

"Princess! Emily's here with Penny!" Rossi yells up from downstairs.

"Coming!" she yells back getting out of bed walking out of the room avoiding looking at the same picture that made her melancholy.

She gets to the bottom of the stairs and walks to the living room where she can hear voices.

"Sweetheart! I missed you!" Penny exclaims pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh, I missed you too Penny" Y/n laughs hugging her back.

"How're things kid?" Emily asks patting her shoulder.

"Good I only have a few weeks left of class and I'm done for good" Y/n tells her with a smile.

"Why're you guys here?" Y/n asks looking at the two confused.

"We wanted to surprise you but Penny couldn't wait" Rossi speaks up smiling down at his daughter.

"We want you to come work at the BAU!" Penny exclaims grabbing the younger woman's hands excitedly.

"Really? Why?" Y/n looks at them surprised.

"You've been working hard for your phycology degree and we could use someone like you" Emily smiles proudly at her.

"And you're okay with this?" Y/n looks over at her dad unconvinced.

"Yes, I know it's dangerous but there's a whole team of people who do their jobs great and will protect you" he nods at her proudly.

"Does anyone else know?" Y/n asks immediately thinking about Spencer's reaction.

"No we wanted to ask first before telling the others" Emily assures her.

"So will you?" Penny asks with a big smile.

"Yeah, yeah that sounds great" Y/n smiles at them.

"I'm proud of you Princess" Rossi pulls her into a hug kissing her head.

The previous pressure she felt staring back at her younger self creeps up as she fakes a happy smile while her proud father hugs her.


After visiting with Emily and Penny, Y/n left to her bedroom to call someone who's been on her mind all day.

She clicks on the contact waiting for the call to go through just wanting to hear his voice telling her they will figure it out like he always does but instead she's met with his answering machine.

"It's me Spence, call me back when you get this..please" her voice breaks into a whisper as she hangs up the phone laying on her bed feeling the tears pooling in her eyes.

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