☆ Champagne Problems ☆

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Bright stale light is all Y/n can see when she opens her eyes looking up at the white stained ceiling. Her head throbs as a long blaring beeping rings in her ears.

"You're awake"

She looks to her side seeing her Dad sitting on the chair smiling down at her, she looks at the floor beside the chair noticing the stacks of to go coffee cups.

"What's happening?" she groggily asks.

"I'm just gonna call the nurse in and I'll explain,okay" he smiles walking out of the room getting the nurse.

The nurse walks in checking over Y/n and looking at the machines.

"Do you remember what happened?" the nurse asks.

"I just remember being in that cold basement and his knife on my skin but that's all" she answers trying to remember the details but comes up blank.

"You've sustained a concussion and multiple lacerations, on your collar bone which is the largest one, it shouldn't scar too bad but their still will be a somewhat visible line, you also have a few lacerations on your stomach and arms" the nurse reads off the clipboard.

"How long do I have to stay here?" she asks looking around the cold stale white room uncomfortably.

"You're able to leave today as long as you rest and have someone to watch over you to make sure your head is alright" the nurse answers.

"Okay, thank you" she smiles softly.

"It's my job sweetie" the nurse smiles at her before leaving the room talking with Rossi.

Y/n stares ahead of her at the wall trying to wrap her head around what happened but comes up blank once again. The last thing she remembers is when he cut into her collarbone and that's all until she woke up here.

"Hey, you okay with visitors?"

She looks at the door and smiles when she sees the team at the door with smiles on their faces. The only one missing is Spencer.

"Always" she replies nodding at them.

Penny rushes in walking over to the bed leaning down to hug her carefully, without bumping into her chest injury.

"How're you feeling?" Morgan asks taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"Like I was knife practice for a psycho cop" she chuckles smiling at him.

He laughs shaking his head at her antics.

"Glad you're okay" Hotch smiles over at her.

"Where's Reid?" Rossi looks at the group confused at not seeing the lanky agent with them.

"He had something to do but I bet he'll be back later" Emily tells him and spares a secret glance to Y/n who looks away sighing.


Spencer sits in his apartment his nose deep in a book with his glasses slowly slipping off his nose. After trying to focus for over a half hour his brain doesn't seem to listen and runs haywire with thoughts of Y/n.

He left before seeing her in the hospital after she went through a traumatic experience. If he wasn't feeling like a total asshole before he's definitely feeling like one now.

Instead of talking with her and explaining himself hoping she'll listen, he walked away yet again. He knows she won't be there forever and before he gets his shit together she'll have met someone new and that's what hurts the most. His heart aches knowing how much he screwed up something that made him feel like the old innocent Spencer before everything happened and because of his fears, he might've just lost her for good.


Y/n sits in her bedroom at her desk hunched over at her laptop reading the news about the case they just closed and can't help but think what if the team couldn't find her, what would've happened?

Shaking her head trying to clear the negative thoughts she gets up cracking her back before walking to her bed getting into it careful not to hurt herself.

Staring up at her ceiling her thoughts go to Spencer. He didn't even visit her in the hospital. She knows they've only started their "relationship" a few weeks ago but she's never liked anyone the way she likes him. He's charming, funny, smart, caring, passionate, kind, and can make you feel like you're on cloud nine just by smiling your way. She knows thinking this way about a man who's ignoring and making her feel invisible is wrong but she can't help it.


In a cold dark room a figure in a black hoodie with black leather gloves sits at a desk with a single lamp lighting up the area that has papers and envelopes splayed on the desk top. The figure seals the envelope taking the blood red wax pouring it on then stamping it with a wax stamp. The figure lifts the letter to the light and an envelope with a rose wax seal with the name Y/n L/n in an eerie red ink sits on the bottom of the envelope.

The figure takes the letter leaving the room closing the old wooden door behind them.


Eee it's getting more eerie!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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