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"Wah bro how the heck did you do that? That was cool you know for ah" Rali stop, staring at me up and down "Damn nerd like you"

"Um excuse me bitch? Why tf.." oh yeah I forgot "well true, I just was being professional that time dumbass"

"Hope boss wouldn't hear about this" Rali said, I just stare at the cafe thinking about what happened earlier, I really need a fucking Makgoelli after this hectic day.

"Rali? Do you wanna drink?"

"Nah bro maybe next time I have some homework to do and midterms are coming up, fuckkkkkk"

I guess is just me drinking alone and I don't mind about that, I'm already used to it, having this kind of life, is all that I ask for.


3rd POV

Nayeon have lock herself at her room after what his fiancée did, she just wanted to cry feeling dumb by how his fiancée treat her earlier.

"Honey! please open the door, tell me what happened honey" His father shouted at front of her locked door.

"Dad p-lease not n-now" nayeon, stopping herself to stutter but failed to stop it, because she was crying like a mess.

"Oh princess please tell me what happen and daddy will do anything you want, I can't bare to see you like this honey"

"I'll te-ll you dad, b-but please le-leave me al-alone for now"

"Fine, honey but please tell daddy what happen okay, and always remember that I'm always be here for you and support you in ever way, I'll be with you mom"

Nayeon did not answer her dad, but she cried heavily wanting to be swallowed up by the earth, she felt empty, hurt, betrayed and the pain she have to go through.

"Fuck, Geo why do you have to do that, you made me look like a full goddamn it!" Nayeon screamed angrily.

Nayeon pick her phone up and block him in every social media, she was cutting him off and his other friend not wanting any connection with them anymore.

She was a mess, she grab the whiskey on her mini bar and chug it wanting to forget the pain she has to go thru.

She felt her knees gave up on her making her sit on the floor of her room, still holding a bottle of whiskey on her hand, she replay the scene that happened earlier and, how his ex was protecting the girl he told me not to worry about.

"Huh.." nayeon said, her tears were still dripping on her cheeks, her make up was a mess, she was confused maybe because she was crying like a madman earlier.

Those pair of eyes who was staring at me gently, and how she hug me tighter but not tighter enough to get me hurt, how her voice sounds like home, her smell like a nature like a sunny day in a forest kind of vibe, she was protecting me. Nayeon thought

"What an odd girl" nayeon said, chuckling at the scene she was replying on her head.


Y/n already finish a one bottle of makgoelli, she still not satisfied at how the rice wine not effecting her mind, she decided to drink another one and walk around hiding her rice wine in a paper bag.

While she was walking around, she found herself walking in a park where she got lured by a beautiful voice, she did not stop walking, she was finding the source of a beautiful voice.

Until she see a small crowd, she seat at the bench and listen to the beautiful voice, the crowd was getting smaller because it's already 10pm, making y/n see who was singing.

"What a cute young lady" Y/n mumble, watching the girl sing her heart out, Y/n stared at the girl gently enjoying the music, that made her feel many emotions.

"At the end of the day, everything still went okay." Y/n said to herself, she grab her sketch pad and pencil, she decided to draw the girl who was singing in the middle of a park, she didn't notice the time because her attention was on the girl still.

When she grabe her drink, she already finished it "oh" and she already finished the drawing that she made.

Y/n didn't notice that the girl was already finished singing and already packing her things, because y/n was too focus on drawing, y/n decided to close her eyes and just feel the air coldness.

"You draw pretty well, oh is that me?" A familiar voice said making y/n flinch, and she open her eyes wide confused at who was talking to her.

Y/n was staring at the girl who was close at her face, y/n was scanning the girl face "pretty"

The singer step back at the comment y/n say making her caught off guard, the face of the singer has a tint of red. "U-um thank you! I'm chaeyoung by the way!"the girl squealed, y/n chuckled at the girl infront of her.

"Hi chaeyoung, Im y/n come here sit beside me" this is the problem when y/n is tipsy, she does not care what will happen.

Chaeyoung nodd, and sit beside the latter who was staring at her intently "you really have a beautiful voice chaeyoung"

Chaeyoung was feeling hot and nervous at y/n stare "oh please my voice is just like an average singer and Im not confident about my voice too" chaeyoung said while kicking the rock on the concrete.

"Well you're voice really lured me here, making me wanting to draw every feature on your face and body, not in a sexual way, I don't want you to think I'm a creep" y/n rant.

chaeyoung look at her amused, at the statement y/n said, she find it funny on how y/n rant and was clearly blushing and defending herself at the statement she made.

"You lured me too"chaeyoung said, while chaeyoung was singing, she notice a pair of eyes was looking at her intently making her to look around, even there was a small crowd formed a circle around her, she still manage to find y/n staring at her and drawing every feature of her, chaeyoung keep glancing at y/n the whole time while she singing.

Y/n look at chaeyoung confused, she quite didn't get what chaeyoung meant "I should go now y/n, see you soon!" A tint of blush could be seen clearly at chaeyoung but y/n was to tipsy too care. But suddenly the latter held the young singer wrist "Here chae I really made this for you especially" Y/n drunkly said and smile sheepishly.

This caught off guard chaeyoung at y/n did, she felt a little spark when the artist held her hand and she didn't notice that she's holding her breath "Hello? Are you okay?"  Y/n wave her hand snapping chaeyoung out of her trance and because of this chaeyoung was embarrassed, and take the piece of paper "Omo thank you so much y/n I'll always remember you! When I look at your drawing! I really should go noww"

Chaeyoung wave at y/n "be safe chaeyoung"  y/n said looking at the latter leaving.

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