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"A-ahh ciel?!" Her eyes widen, and quickly lunged herself to me and hugging me then I heard her sniff, Then I suddenly received a slap on my right cheek my jaw drop and I was flabbergasted.

"You fucking idiot I waited for you to return and you didn't comeback! Everyone was waiting for you!" She said looking at me while her tears drip down on her cheeks, the light of the moon shines over her she absolutely look stunning like a goddess she's glowing, she looks innocent she looks soft and her messy hair that fall on her face, and those three moles on her faces, and things washed over me remembering that she was a princess a royal blood.

but it breaks my heart that someone was waiting for me I should have thought about everything before doing things, she's now crying heavily I grab her hand "I'm sorry, if I just left without saying anything mina" I stared at her I obviously feel the guilty of not telling her anything.

"I need an explanation, I suffer for 1 year! I SUFFER FOR 1 YEAR GODDAMNIT!" She screamed I could see it in her eyes that she was in pain, disappointed, sadness and anger. I couldn't blame her on what she was feeling.

I hug her tightly " Calm down mina" okay I think i said a dumb word uhhhh.

"CALM DOWN? FUCKING CALM DOWN? when I needed you the most you were nowhere to be found! I keep on logging, in the fucking game hoping you gonna be online!! I know I shouldn't be mad at you! But you left me ciel without a single explanation and it made me loose my self! I don't know how to be myself anymore when you left m-me" she said pouring every emotion she have, she look like a fragile glass, one hit it could easily broken.

I listen to her every word, I felt my heart just broke when I heard her I know she was going through something in her life when we're playing, and I would just listen to her rant and being for her I even promise her that I wouldn't leave her, and I just keep on going online for her because I know I was her safe place and I remembered while we're on call on the game she confessed her feelings to me because she thought I have fallen asleep.


I was staring at my monitor not moving my mouse and just watching anim_37  running round infront of my character

" ciel? Hello ciel?have you fallen asleep again?" I heard her chuckle " hmm If i speak you wouldn't even hear me"

Confusion was written on my face, I waited for her to speak again thinking what kind of dumb thing she gonna say again.

"Ciel... I think I might have fallen for you"

Flashbacks ends

"Mina, baby hey hey look at me inhale exhale repeat after me okay mina?" I said because I noticed she's having panic attack, she did what I said leaning back on my body while Im hugging her.

"Are you okay now? I'm gonna explain everything so please here me out mina" I said smiling sadly while hugging her.

She nodd "I'm gonna tell you what happened, it was on the day of November 9 when I found out my parents has arranged my marriage to a man a-"

"WHAT?! WHO IS THIS MAN?!" She turned her head looking at me and I can already know that she's mad.

"Mina I'm not done yet, calm down I'm gonna explain it to you everything"

"Oh sorry please continue"

"So yeah and it was my relatives plan because they're so against me being gay so they decided to marry me off to a man but being me of course I refuse it I didn't want to be with a man I want to be with a woman, and I found out my parents took a money on my savings account giving it to my relatives because their son want a brand new car, so I run away with my documents and important things because I can't live on that shit hole anymore every minute was hell there, so Im really sorry for not telling you"I soften my gaze when she turn around. I didn't even tell her the whole story .

I could see it that she was mad after hearing my story  "I know that look mina stop, if you're planning something bad okay?" I said she close and open her mouth and pouted.

"Fine hmp just so you know honey I'm a myoui and I can do everything for you, just tell me and consider it job well done" she gave me a gummy smile she's really cute, I felt my heart almost jump out my mouth gosh.

" I know I know oh yeah I didn't told you my name yet, It's y/n"

"Y/n hmm myoui y/n sounds right" She mumbles but I didn't heard it.

What happen earlier was definitions of emotional rollercoaster like damn we're just fucking earlier then she's crying founding out that she was my friend, it's kinda fuck up.

"Um mina" I scratch nape, she then look at me innocently like she was trying to think of something.

"Do you wanna um wear something?" She looks at me then realization hit her when she stared at my body, she was a blushing mess and I could say the same that I'm blushing too fuck.

"Nope" I look at her crazy. "What? You already see me fuck myself infront of you and you even eat me out" she said and okay I can't defend myself because she was right, and This girl was wearing smug on her face.

"You gonna get sick MommyI leaned on her ears and I saw that trigger something because girl was blushing.

I quickly stand up, well I was planning to make a milk for her and for me water, I wanted her to sleep soundly. But then I felt her grip on my pants "where you going?" She said I noticed her butt was exposed And grope it.

"A-ahh~ y/n" she moaned, I mentally slapping myself right now fuck.

"Fuck sorry mina I couldn't resist it" I apologize embarrassed on the action I did.

"It's okay y/n" she kiss my forehead I couldn't help myself but blush at what she did "you didn't answer my question y/n"

"Oh I was just gonna get a drink in the kitchen"I assured her "and yeah you're belongings are on top of my nightstand, you should informed your mother that you're not going home tonight"

"Ah yes I forgot about them, thank you for telling me y/n" Mina said, I let myself out of my room and prepare the milk while Im sipping on my water.

I entered my room and I saw mina was watching something on her phone, but when she heard the door open she quickly roll over and smile at me "here is your milk madam"I said, she sit up and I handed her a cold milk, and she chug it in one shot.

"Omo slow down mina" I said with a worried expression, she handed me the cup and I place it on the night stand.

"Lay beside me y/n Im sleepy" she said laying on my bed comfortably, I nodd and just let myself fall asleep while where hugging each other.


I'm writing another story it's
(Kim chaewon x femreader) this one genre is fantasy and ft Truck kun

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