Headaches | [Ashlyn and Adrian]

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This takes place after that episode where Ashlyn was dragged by a random phantom and almost had a concussion-
And also spoiler for this chapter, Aiden breaks in!!!1!1

Btw this is a short story I think :)

This was in my notes app and then this fic was forgotten until I dug it up again lol


It was one of those repetitive nights again, sleep, phantoms, wake up. It was hectic, for Ashlyn, especially when you're the leader and if someone gets hurt then it's all your fault. She did care for the others, but sometimes it's getting tiring

And the fact that you got dragged by a phantom and almost got a concussion didn't help at all.

After the end of her shift, she groggily sat up. That was until the pain hits, which made her almost punch the nearest object near her from the pounding headache. She let herself fall back to her bed again, curled up into a ball. The headache was starting to escalate, and it was becoming painful each second.

She couldn't control the tears on her eyes. She wasn't only crying because she was in pain, no, she was crying because she felt so pathetic. Why the hell would she cry over a fucking headache?

This went on for half an hour, until the aching was slightly subsidies, but it was still there.

She opened her eyes, before a groan came out from her, as she sat up for the 2nd time. She quickly wiped away the tears on her eyes, and tried to take deep breaths. That's what her mother showed her. Whenever she had panic attacks as a kid her mother would help her stabilize her breathing on the aftermath.

A knock was heard on the door, and the shorter girl turned her head to see her beloved and concerned brother. He stood on the doorway, with a small smile on his face, but he was full of worry.

"Hey there, Freckles" He chuckled.

"Hi.." Ashlyn greeted.

The siblings look at eachother, until Adrian got the courage to sit down next to her.

"So how's it going?" Adrian tried to converse with her, and since he knew about the whole shifting, he decided to start with that, hoping it would be a normal shift and nothing ba

"Bad. I got hit in the cei-"

Never mind then! It was bad!

"You got hit in the ceiling?!" Adrian whispered loudly, as his eyes showed his full concern.


Adrian placed a hand on Ashlyn's head, but not that hard to hurt her. It felt gentle. Ashlyn liked his touch. He was one of the exceptions, aside from their parents. It was always so gentle. She could just melt by feeling his touch.

"Where does it hurt?" He asked her.

Ashlyn pointed at a part of her head, which Adrian nodded and he started to slowly caress it, to try and ease down the pain, even just a little bit for the sake of his sister.

"So, did it hurt more in the phantom real compared to right now?"

Ashlyn nodded.

"In fact, I almost had a..." Ashlyn trailed off, knowing that it would most likely scare her brother to death, before she shrugged.

"Never mind."

Adrian looked at her skeptically. He knew that something bad happened there, but to save himself, he decided not to push her into saying it.

"Okay then.." Adrian muttered, before they drifted into silence again.

After the pain fully subsided, Adrian spoke again.

"So.. You wanna go back to sleep while I hug you? It's fine if you don't-"

Before he could even finish, the ginger had already rested her head on the brunette's chest, as he smiled softly, placing a hand on the girl's back. He let's her melt into his arms, as he kissed her forehead.

"Go to sleep, I got yo-"

"Hey Ash!- are you al-"


"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE PSYCHO FUCK?!" Adrian screamed as he pulled out of the hug and grabbed his nearby pellet gun.

"Ooh is that a pellet gu-"




00 words lmao 🤡

The fact that I renewed this chapter and the old one was 300 words and now this is 700 words long. What happened 🤔

Anyways this is my 'Adrian-has-a-pellet-gun' agenda /j

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