Chapter Twelve

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The massive flagship continued to get closer. Raleigh struggles to pull the hopper away not making any progress. "It's no use we are being pulled in get ready for a fight," Raleigh said unplugging herself and stretching. "Oh come on man," Clyde said tired of this happening. The hopper is pulled into a hanger by a wench on the outside and surrounded by the soldiers of the empire right away. The guy that Raleigh fought when Clyde first met her was waiting for them. "No funny business you two. You aren't getting away this time. Just come out with your hands up." He demanded of them. They all waited there for a while Raleigh, and Clyde not coming out. He tried saying it again thinking they might not have heard him."Come out with your hands up you can't escape."

They still didn't come out. The man pointed to some soldiers directing them to enter the hopper. They searched the ship unable to find either of them. "They aren't here sir." One of them spoke up to his surprise. "What do you mean they aren't there?" He barges into the hopper to look at it himself also seeing nothing. Enraged he looked all over while Clyde, and Raleigh snuck out of a trap door under the vessel. "Now what," Clyde asked. "We are still surrounded." She would toss a bomb into the air toward some of the soldiers causing it to explode catching everyone's attention. They ran toward the explosion expecting that to be were Clyde and Raleigh were allowing them to run away in the opposite direction down a corridor. "Find them!" The hulking brute yelled out going down the other hallway the direction the explosion was coming from.

They ran down the Flagship's long hallway pulling out their Multi-tools. "The bridge should be this direction. We can disable anything keeping us here from there." She directed. "What about that guy is he the same one from before?" Clyde asked. "Yeah looks like it. His name is dumbo or something. He has been after me for a while, but he isn't as annoying as The Reaper most of the time so honestly, I don't mind." She replied to Clyde's dismay. She made it sound like it was a guy asking her out, and she felt bad about hurting his feelings. He followed her down the maze-like hallway as the paths started to diverge. Some soldiers started to show up back on their tails. Raleigh making short work of them, even Clyde holding his own against the nameless foot soldiers.

The hallway opened up into a large room full of storage containers and an elevator presumably leading to the bridge. The brute she called dumbo earlier broke through one of the containers fully geared up targeting Clyde. "Raleigh pushed him out of the way. Clyde seemed to be a little tired of being saved by her. "Go on ahead this is the toughest dude here." She told him. He didn't know exactly how he was supposed to figure out all the complicated machinery the bridge probably had, but he went ahead up the elevator anyway.

"Well, if it isn't the overvalued lab rat. You can fight your own battles now?" The huge man would say. "You know that's not him right, dumbo?" She says annoyed. "It's Darian!" He attempts to punch her missing and hitting the ground. She shrugged stepping on his fist while he did so and kicking him in the face. "Dumbo, daro, potato, patato." He almost falls on his back but gains his footing getting angered further. "You won't trick me, you and your stupid captain ruined everything. He swung again destroying half of the containers in the room and part of the wall. She sees the damage realizing this guy could possibly kill her in one punch. "Man I got you angry huh. Aren't you supposed to be taking me alive?" She asks a little amused. "That's right, but what're a few broken bones. Its less then you deserve with everything you have done."

Clyde had made it up the elevator not sure what to do looking around. It did appear to be a bridge that he was on. A bridge with hostile soldiers. They noticed him pulling out their weapons to fire at him. Clyde ducks behind a control panel setting his Multi-tool to stun returning fire. He had a level of competence now, not always hitting his mark but, after a few misses, he knocked about half of them out. The remaining goons were closing in around him. "Fool! Surrender and you won't be killed!" One of them that appeared to be a commanding officer said. "Fine fine." Clyde Raises his hands not sure what else he can do at this point dropping his weapon and standing up raising his hands.

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