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This was the last straw and the young witch lost it as she glares at the older witch and fire's all over the place freaking the older witch and the centaurs that are near by as they saw the young witch gain lion ears and a tail, but the tail's on fire where the fur would be.

The ears have fire near the entrance of the ears as her eyes went feline with the green color looking more emerald stone-like as in the eyes you can see the emerald stone lines in her eyes making the older witch to freak out as she's scared now of the young witch.

There's another young witch as she's staying near the centaur as she managed to cut the vine around his throat and checks to see if they're alright before they turned to their follow young witch as she's fluming at the older witch for what she did to the centaur.

"Stupefy!" The older witch said as she points her wand at the young witch, but the fire moved in the way and blocked it as the young witch moves her tail to send the fire to stop the attack. A blue screen shows up in her face and she ignores it for now as she ties the woman up in vines.

"You may take her as prisoner, but let me do one thing first." The leader of this centaur hunt nods as the young witch snaps her fingers as the older witch glows for five seconds.

"There. Dolores Jane Umbridge, you are hereby cursed to have a rapid pregnancy growth and for each single non-mated centaur male that mates with you, four centaur children will be born from your body and the fat on you will vanish. Dolores Jane Umbridge, you are hereby cursed.

The second curse will keep you from dying and will be forced to confess all sins and wrong doings you have done abound the Ministry of Magic giving the centaurs the proper payment for your freedom and you will answer truthfully all questions that are asked to you.

You may take her now. I figure this would work out for you guys a lot better really." The centaurs nod and two took Umbridge away as she screams for them to let her go before both young witches run to save their coven members making them to meet them on the bridge.

"We need to get to Sirius. I know it may be a trick, but he's the only father-figure I have left." The young witch said as she thinks before one of the coven members spoke up.

"We fly of course." And on the backs of the Thestrals to London making them to get to the Department of Mysteries making them to be ready for any attacks as she leads them and has them split to keep them safe making her to be very careful.

She saw where he was and then use Lumos  Maxima to see more in front of her as this is not even going to be easy as Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange shows their faces making her to be on her guard as she's not going to let them go near her as her ears and tail are missing right now.

"Isn't it little baby Potter." Bellatrix said making her to stay quiet as she has her wand sparkling as a warning she'll attack them if they even think of attacking her.

"Now let's calm down and get down to business, shall we? All we want, is the Prophecy and we'll leave you alone." Lucius said making her to look towards him.

"What Prophecy? I only came for Sirius." She said making Lucius to look to her and see she doesn't have a Prophecy ball in her hands.

"The Prophecy between you and the Dark Lord, Potter." Lucius said making her to frown.

"Again, what Prophecy? Clearly there's a mistake here since I don't know anything that would be interesting to Voldemor and not to mention I wasn't told there's a Prophecy with me in it." She told them as Bellatrix's shocked she speaks the Dark Lord's name.

"You dare speak the Dark Lord's name? You filthy half-blood!" The young witch laughs as she's no half-blood like Bellatrix claims she is.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Since when was I ever a half-blood when mother's half-human?" The ears and tail came back with the fire shocking the two.

"Mama's only half-human, so... What was that about me being a filthy half-blood?" Bellatrix knows what she is and was scared as the young witch can kill her instantly making Lucius to see the fear on Bellatrix's face and went in front of her to guard her.

"We just want the Prophecy, Potter and then we'll leave. You have my word." She smirks at him.

"Sorry, but I don't know anything about this Prophecy like I said." Lucius frowns at her.

"The Dark Lord went after your family cause of this Prophecy and that you would defeat him." Lucius said as to see if that'll work, but she laughs.

"Sorry, sorry. You're mistaken as firstly) I'm a female as you can tell by my clothing. Secondly) Mama and papa never went up against Voldemor as they had more pressure matter to attend to. Thirdly) They were busy trying to get a rune teleporter to teleport both me and mama home.

So, sorry. I'm not the one you're looking for as it could be just a mistake really." Both Lucius and Bellatrix aren't sure what to do as the Dark Lord shows up.

"Hi, Tommy-Tommy!" The young witch said childishly making him to notice the ears and tail on her

"My apologies, Miss. Leo. If I had known what you and your mother were, I would have helped you back home with your father." Both were shocked as the Dark Lord is apologizing to her.

"It's fine. But what's this about the Prophecy?"

"I only heard the first half I'm afraid." She walks over to the selves and saw the  initials on one of the balls.

S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D
Dark Lord
and (?) Harry Potter

"I found it, but why does it have a Harry Potter on it when my last name is Potter?" She hands it over and the Prophecy is fully heard in full.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

"Can't be me. I'm a female. If it's Neville, then you're going to be going after my godbrother and Coven Member which I can't allow. Besides, couldn't this Prophecy be self-claimed and avoided all together if you had ignored it as some don't mean by what they say?

'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...' That's telling me that a boy will defeat the Dark Lord, but who who the Dark Lord could be and the thrice defied him...

Maybe they refused to join them three times and the Roman calendar always has September as the seven month really. 'The Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...' Hmm... The Dark Lord could have taken the baby and trained him hence making them his equal.

And this power he doesn't know of could be like a new Family bloodline ability like Salazar Slytherin's bloodline of speaking to snakes. 'And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...'

The last part it's just repeating from the first part. I can't figure out the rest unless the Dark Lord made something and if the child destroys it, it'll bring the end of the Dark Lord. That's all I got really." She said as the Dark Lord nods and leaves with a lot to think about.

The young witch and her eight coven members left the building and went back to school as this is not something they had expected making her to sigh as her White Lioness's Zodiac Coven would never understand how she can handle that and still not lose it at him fully.

'Let's check out what this thing fully is really.'

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