Making A Deal... NOT!

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Harrissia knew the moment that Ruggie took those hits for Leona, he can't do the Spelldrive, but it seems all attacks were stopped and no one else was hurt thanks to this fully as it's making Headmage Crowley to fully wonder what had happened which Harrissia wasn't going to tell him.

Her heart kept skipping beats whenever she sees Leona or Ruggie or both making her to wonder why as she kept wondering not even realizing that Neville has a boyfriend named Jack Howl from the Savanaclaw Dorm and he's very good to him as he enjoys helping him with his cacti plants.

Jack Howl's a tall boy with tan skin, defined muscles and a stature considerably larger than his peers especially other students his age. He has short, fluffy hair that spikes upwards and a prominent tuft of hair falling between his eyes.

His hair is a light silver color, and the hair closer to his neck fades into a darker gray. He has thicker-than-average eyebrows that match his hair color, and golden-brown eyes. Instead of human ears, Jack has large, silver wolf ears on the top of his head with dark-gray tips.

This is paired with a large, fluffy wolf tail of the same color that also fades into dark-gray at the end. When he shows his teeth, sharp fangs are usually visible. He often has a serious look on his face. He also has a thin brown choker around his neck with a white fang pendant hanging from it.

Harrissia warns him once she had found out about the two dating after two weeks that if he ever hurts her godbrother a.k.a her brother in all, but flesh and blood, she's killing him making him to agree and she left the two be, but her mind keeps going back to both Ruggie and Leona making her to wonder why.

She sent the basket as an apology gift to them and the Spelldrive Tournament went smoothly and somehow Savanaclaw beat Diasomnia Dorm making Leona to wonder how as he doesn't get it, but it seems the Housewarden of Diasomnia Dorm does as he can sense his soulmate's around and she distracted him for them to win.

Leona cheers with his dormmates making them to finally defeat that Fae and win making many to get scouted for Spelldrive teams Professionally making Leona to wonder how they had won, but he's not going to check as they had won making him to be happy as that Fae's never going to live this down. 

Leona kept looking after Ruggie afterwards making him to get Ruggie to be whining about it as it's suppose to be the other way even if he finds it troublesome making Leona to have a bit of fun without hurting Ruggie a lot in the right arm and his ...

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Leona kept looking after Ruggie afterwards making him to get Ruggie to be whining about it as it's suppose to be the other way even if he finds it troublesome making Leona to have a bit of fun without hurting Ruggie a lot in the right arm and his right side of his chest making Ruggie to fully stop complaining and whining about it fully after that.

Finals were in and Harrissia got top place of all classes at number one making many to wonder how as she knows better than to make a deal with Azul and she saw that Ace and Deuce Spade were having a sea anemone each growing out of of their heads and they're being pulled by them towards Azul in Mostro Lounge.

Deuce Spade's a fair-skinned boy of average height. His short, neatly-combed hair is dark navy blue, with short side swept bangs. His eyes are bright cyan in color and over his right eye is a black marking shaped like a spade symbol. He is often shown with a serious or determined expression.

Harrissia's pissed off as Hermione needs to get her boyfriend laid now and to get him under control now as this can't continue as she sees them being worked to the bone to work at his Mostro Lounge making Harrissia to phone her sissy who's at the restaurant right now and she complains about this.

"Sissy, get your boyfriend laid and tell him to stop stealing other's magic since he can't master them all and this will get him to be making enemies more. Tell him what I did with my very own contracts if you have to." Harrissia said to Hermione on her Coven mirror compound phone.

"On it, sis." Hermione said as she plans to get Azul for this and shocking him at the same time as she's not going to let him be on top much making Harrissia to sigh as Azul's pushing it and five hours later, Harrissia's at Mostro Lounge and she saw Azul with a strange look on his face and eyes.

"Sissy jumped and fucked you how many rounds, senpai?" Harrissia asked making him to shiver.

"About ten times." Azul said as Harrissia saw Hermione's smirk and what she's wearing which's just a white bottom-up shirt and her panties before she used a golden magical rope and pulls Azul back in to do who knows what to him as he's in shock he's going back into the room and Harrissia sighs as she's not going to be feeling sorry.

'Might as well help out around the place.' Harrissia said as she helps out and she managed to use Wind Magic to deliver even more orders and she managed to even work the kitchen as well, too. Harrissia managed to keep everything in decent order and no chaos has happened making her to see both Leona and Ruggie.

She serves and delivers the food and drinks making her to keep her mind off of them for now, but she keeps looking back at them making her to wonder why. All of the dorms were coming in and Harrissia managed to keep the order inside of the place and got more ingredients for the many food and drink orders.

After everyone had food and drinks, they left after paying making Harrissia to pant as that's a major rush time making her to calculate the money and earnings for the Mostro Lounge making her to have her head hurt as she's three-fourth through and she's tired as Hermione took over and Azul checks on everything else.

"Go sleep, sis. I got this." Hermione said as Jade has her placed in a bed in the Mostro Lounge where she fall asleep fast and was in bed making Jade to noticed the dark bags underneath her eyes making him to tell both Azul and Hermione who explains it's probably Harrissia studying late into the night once again.

Thanks to Hermione, Azul's accepting his past-self and not wishing to erase himself from the past as Hermione got him to show her his true-form and she had hearts in her eyes before she jumps him again and shouts to breed her making Azul to blush and lose control a lot on her from that alone.

Harrissia sighs and she told him she had expected that to happen to Hermione and he has better fully take good care of her sissy, so she's not going to kill him for this making him to sigh of relief as Hermione has some band-aids around her wrist, arms, legs, ankles and her breasts also had some marks as well, too.

"I'm soo sorry, my seashell princess." Azul apologies to Hermione making her to shake her head and she pulls him in as she cuddles him in his octopus mermaid form making him to hold her in his ten arms as Hermione has fully accepted him for who he is and wasn't scared of his true-self making him to feel like he's got a chance of happiness now.

'But Harrissia's still a scary little sister whenever she wants to be.' Azul shivers as Harrissia's scary moment was during her time of the month and she threated to make a Savanaclaw member a woman by castration and removing his manhood before replacing it with a womanhood fully.

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