Coven Mission Part 2 And Aftermath of Coven Mission

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Harrissia saw the cave and since this is Azul, Cater, Jack and Vil's first Coven Mission, they'll be watching for ten minutes to see how it's done and then they can join in making them to see Harrissia wants them to get use to this slowly.

One hundred million Imps in groups of eighteen is five million, five hundred and fifty-five thousand, five hundred and fifty-six per Coven Member, one hundred Imp Kings in groups of eighteen is six as she rounds it up and the Imp Queen Harrissia will deal with alone making Leona to growl a no with Ruggie.

"You were almost killed by the Lustful Green Goblin King! You're not going to be facing off against that bitch alone!" Leona growls as he's not going to alone it.

"Agreed! You had us all worried when you coughed blood up! We can't stand to see you like that again!" Ruggie pleads as he almost thought he's heart had stopped at that moment.

"Just because I was at 100 HP last time, doesn't mean it'll happen again! You get a Limit Break if you're at 100 HP or lower and I didn't expect the attack that he did on me at all!" Harrissia fully growls back making Hermione to have Riddle behind her as this is getting heated up as Jamil did the same to Kalim.

"100 HP? 100 HP?! One more attack and you're dead!" Leona growls making Harrissia's lion features to show up in anger as Ruggie backs off and hides behind Azul and Jack as Neville's behind Jack. Vil stops them and expects them to fight about this another time while not on a mission.

"Must be you're first fight as a couple." Azul said as Hermione nods making Ruggie to shiver as he doesn't like how Harrissia reacted to Leona's anger.

"Fine." Both said as Harrissia's pissed, but at the same time upset that Leona thinks she can't handle herself. She's been raising herself alone since her 'relatives' don't care for her and her Coven Members are her family. She's mentally too old and her soul's ancient. He needs to understand that fully.

"Papa... You forgotten something. Fae Mamae's soul's ancient and she's mentally too old." Luna said making many to stop and realized she's right as Leona sighs and growls to himself as he shouldn't have reacted the way he did, but he can't lose her and he knows Ruggie's the same there.

"We'll talk later." Leona said making Harrissia to see from the corner of her eyes he's regretting his reaction and Ruggie's scared of them both right now. Harrissia agrees and they started the mission, but Harrissia's quick to kill two Mimic treasure chests which gave her +50 EXP each.

"So... There's other monsters here? The Imps must of done it to keep outsiders out of their hide-out." Jamil said making many to be on the look out and Riddle used light magic to have a ball of light, but dim to not reveal their location to the Imps. Each member took out a Mimic each and gained +50 EXP.

Harrissia saw a library and they will come back for it then they leave the hide-out making Hermione to agree as there might be new information they don't know about making Azul to agree with that as they marked it with green pain outside the doorway by Kalim who brought the pain from the Coven Store.

Jamil sighs as he didn't expect him to do that as they kept going until they saw the giant opening and Riddle put the light out as they looked over the edge to see the Imps with many dancing around many camp fires. The Kings are on each side of the Queen who's in the middle.

The Kings were the same size as the Goblin King, but the Queen's one size bigger than the kings. Harrissia activates EXP Share took out a bow and arrow and slowly takes aim at the Imp Queen and fires making it to hit deeply into her head and no one noticed making the Queen to be dead fast shocking Vil.

"You're a Huntsmen?!" He asked in a whisper.

"I took lessons from the centaurs in the Dark Forest. Hermione freaked out when I told her about that." Harrissia said making Hermione to shake her head as she sighs at that memory. Harrissia will explain the story later and they got down to business as they got Imps to kill.

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