Welcome to Night Raven College!

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Harrissia's unconscious with Hedwig before Hedwig heard something making her to squeak at it making it to gasp as a person saw it and pulled it away making Hedwig to be quiet making the ceremony to begin and everyone was being sorted out, but then she heard a voice speak up.

"Hey! There's one coffin still not open! Jamil, what do you thing?" The voice said making Hedwig to feel hundreds of eyes on the coffin her mistress is in making her to glare as she's not going to let them touch her mistress.

"Let's get a teacher, it's the right thing to do." Another voice said as the special key went flying making many to duck and wonder why as the teacher went to knock on the coffin and fully introduced himself as the Headmage of night Raven College, Headmaster Dire Crowley.

The coffin didn't open, but a childish laughter was heard and everyone turn to see a five-year-old girl that looks Arabian, but it's not matching the Arabian clothing nor skin as she looks dark tanned skin with her hair in braids from the top of her head to the bottom. (AN: From the video evil laugh contest, it's the childish evil laugh she's doing)

"The answer your looking for is Egyptian." She said before she does the same laugh once again making them all to shiver.

"You're doing the knocking wrong as there's a special one to use." Headmaster Crowley's confused as he looks to her.

"Would you know what it is, little one?" She nods to him.

"Yeah. Anyone can do it, but they never though of it since it's a magical knock. Knock, knock knock, knock knock knock, knock knock, knock. Hence why I said it's a magical knock. People use magic to make a doorway to anywhere if they focus on where they want to go.

Not many know of this as it's been forgotten for millenniums and has been used since the B.C time when man first discovered magic and kept it hidden for a long time before the Witch trials in Lost Avalon really." She told them making them all to be shocked by this.

"I see. Thank you." Headmaster Crowley said before turning to the coffin and does the special knock on the lid like the little girl said to do.


Knock, knock.

Knock, knock, knock.

Knock, knock.


The lid moves forward and smokes leaving the coffin as the lid moves to the left showing a very beautiful female wearing the ceremonially robs with a large snow owl in her hands as it glares at them ready to strike if they even dare tough the female inside of the coffin making Headmaster Crowley to back up.

It is custom to wear the hood during the ceremony. The black robes have a purple belt with the school emblem being on the center of the gold buckle. The robes' cuffs have golden embroidery in the image of the Mirror of Darkness.

It's back embroidery in the image of crow's tail wings. The hood is slightly pointed in the back. Under the robes, students wear a black shirt that has golden embroidery on the collarbone area in the image of crow's wings. The sleeves have a ring for the middle finger to pass through.

For this uniform, students also wear black eye makeup. The female has long hair that's looking like it's turn white as it's bleeding into the black with red highlights changing into tan orange, her eye shape were a mix between doe-like and doll-like, her lips were a pale rose color.

No baby fat anywhere in the face, she has earrings that have runes that mean magic suppressing with a ring on her right ring-finger, the owl's now out of her hold and perched onto her hands wings out ready to fly towards them making many to feel scared of the owl cause of it's behavior.

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