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"Right, stupid question," Scott said as Logan continued to stare at him.

It was silent for a few minutes with only the sound of the rain beating down outside. "I'm sorry," The younger male said, and Logan grunted. "I really am, I shouldn't have called you...that," he said, bowing his head. "I was just frustrated; I know it's no excuse, but still, I am sorry," he said.

"Why?" Logan asked, his voice a bit softer than Scott ever thought he could talk. "Why were you frustrated?" He asked and Scott scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"I-I broke up with Jean," Scott said and Logan frowned.

"What is frustrating about that?" Logan asked. "Is it because you wanted her to be your mate?" He asked accusingly and Scott quickly shook his head.

"Because she had found her mate, but she didn't tell me until we broke up," he said, "I was kind of mad that she didn't tell me at first; we had agreed that if we found our mates, we would break up. She kept reminding me every time we did something, she would tell me to remember that it was just till we found our mates. And when I did break she kept insisting I made a mistake, she started making her way into my room and trying to get into my bed, tried to kiss me, or hold my hand even when her mate was there," Scott explained as Logan looked at him calculatingly.

"It's that normal for you guys?" Logan asked crossing his arms, "Kissing, fucking, all that stuff teenagers do?" he asked and Scott's face turned as red as a tomato.

"No, we didn't. We agreed that only cheek or hand kisses, and no sex," Scott told him, "We said we would wait until we're twenty-five and if neither of us found our mates by then, then we would mate," Scott informed him and Logan leaned back on the couch with his arms crossed and his eyes boring into the younger male on the couch.

"Right, I'm going to make something to eat. Do you want anything?" He asked, and Scott shook his head, standing.

"No, I should get going," He said walking towards the back door.

"Didn't you check the weather before you came out?" Logan asked him and the other looked at him confused. "There is a storm coming; it's going to be here for the next few days or whatever. You won't be able to get your car out of the forest, the roads would be muddy and flooded by now. Your car will be fined because it is parked on the factory grounds, and it's a bit elevated and on concrete, but otherwise, you're staying here till then," Logan said, and Scott frowned, looking out the window before nodding.

"Good, now what do you want to eat?" Logan asked heading to the kitchen with Scott following him.

"Anything is fine," Scott said sitting on the island, "So, this is where you disappear to when going off on your bike and don't come back for days?" Scott asked, watching Logan open the fridge, pull out a container, and place it in the microwave.

"Yeah, It's my safe place and a secret," Logan said, facing him.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," Scott said; he suddenly got nervous. His eyes flicked all over the kitchen until he heard Logan sigh before stopping the microwave and taking out the container. He looked up as a plate was placed in front of him but quickly looked back down.

"About us being mates," Logan said as he sat down across from him. "You can reject me if you want; I know you have been thinking about it, and I won't tell anyone if you do," He finished, and Scott's head snapped towards him. "I have waited a long time for my mate, wanting to make them happy. And if being mates with a...woman will make you happy, then I can live with that. I also forgive you for what you said,"

"I am not going to reject you," the brunette said, and the wolverine looked up at him, shocked but with a bit of hope in his eyes. "I'm just worried," he said, and the older man looked at him confused.

"Worried? about what?" He asked, his brows furrowed.

"About how this will go, your Wolverine, everyone knows you're stubborn, hard-headed, and a bit aggressive," Scott stated, "And I'm an alpha, so I'm a bit of those things too. You're my omega, I'm going to want to take care of you. I'm going to want to be an alpha. But, how am I supposed to be an Alpha to an Omega who is more Alpha than me?" He asked, picking up his fork and twirling what he had now realized was pasta on his fork.

"I have my omega moments, you know?" Logan asked, looking down as if embarrassed to admit it. "I'm over 200 years old. I had to act like an alpha to get what I wanted. I couldn't get this far if people knew I was an Omega. I would have been ridiculed and mocked. My claws would have been cut off and they would have found some way to stop my mutation and force me to act like the perfect Omega that they want. I wouldn't have been allowed in the army or to save people like I did. I wouldn't have this house, and I would have been forced to mate someone long ago. But despite acting all Alpha, I'm still an Omega. I still go through heats, I still build my nest, I still do the majority of the stuff omegas do, I just hide it well," He explained before taking their now empty plates to the dishwasher. 


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Word count: 950

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 12 pm

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