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Day One

Scott woke up to Logan's scent being more delicious. The smell filled the room more than it had yesterday, meaning that his heat was in full swing. Yesterday, his scent wasn't as strong, so it was just the beginning. After the blow job, he didn't need to do much more than a hand job in the afternoon.

Now, though, the omega was grinning against him, and he could feel the other hard-on rubbing against his thigh. "Babe~" Scott grounded out and Logan pushed himself closer to the Alpha.

Scott turned so he was fully facing the other man and climbed on top of him. He leaned down and connected his lips to Logan's. It didn't take long before the Omega started to kiss back, wrapping his thick arms around Scott's waist and pulling him down on top of him.

"Please, Scott~" Logan moaned out against his lips.

Scott detached their lips and kissed down the older man's neck. He paused at his nipples and started to suck on them, he started with the right nipple. Capturing it in between his teeth and sucked it until it was read and puffy before moving to the other one.

"Scott," Logan groaned, and Scott gave the nipple one last tug before kissing down further on his body. He hooked his thumb into the waist of Logan's boxers and pulled them down. He threw them off the bed and threw them on the floor.

"Do you have Condoms?" Scott asked, not taking his eyes off Logan's cock.

Logan shuffled slightly and got on his knees, leaning over the edge of the bed he opened the bedside table and reached inside, gasping when he felt two hands grab his ass cheeks and spread them apart. A tongue lapped at the hole and his hand almost slipped off the bed. "Fuck," He grunted grabbing the condoms and throwing them next to the pillow on the bed.

He felt Scott's tongue push true the tight ring of muscles and let out a strangled moan as he gripped the edge of the bed. He felt Scott pull away and pull him back to the middle of the bed. He laid down on his back and looked up at the alpha with glossy eyes.

"That's a new look," Scott smirked as he slowly rubbed a finger over Logan's hole and watched the slick leak out and run down his crack onto the bed sheet. Logan moaned at the foreign feeling, pushing his hips down onto Scott's finger. "So needy," Scott hummed.

He gripped Logan's leg with his free hand and pushed it up toward his shoulder, "Hold that for me," He said doing the same thing to the other one as the omega was fully exposed to him. He slowly started to move his finger, watching for any signs of discomfort in his mate. Soon, he was adding two more fingers, watching the omega withering beneath him.

"Just fuck me already, Summers," Logan hissed out, glaring at Scott, who chuckled.

"Fine," The Alpha said, grabbing a condom he ripped the package before sliding it on. He shuffled closer and leaned over Logan as he lined himself up. "Are you ready?" He asked and Logan nodded.

Scott leaned closed and slowly pushed in until the tip was in then he paused. He took both of Logan's hands and held them on the bed as he started attacking his neck and lips with kisses.

He pushed in deeper into the omega causing him to whimper and bite his lips, Scott bottomed out and stopped giving Logan a bit of time to adjust. "Are you ready?" He asked, grinding his pelvis against the other man's ass.

'Move~" Logan moaned out and Scott slowly started thrusting, "Fuck~" Logan yelled as he started to pick up speed.

Scott groaned as he felt Logan tighten around him. "Are you going to cum love?" He asked and Logan nodded, panting beneath him.

Scott released one of his hands and reached down to grab Logan's cock and started jerking him off. "Cumming," Logan grunted out as white creamy liquid shot out of his cock and onto his chest. Feeling him tighten around him, Scott leaned down and sank his fangs into Logan's shoulder as he came inside him. He felt his knot growing and saw the omega wince.

"Shhh, It'll be over soon," Scott said as his knot continued to grow inside his mate, locking him in place. They lay there for a few minutes, with Scott running his hands slowly over Logan's body, calming him down.

When his knot finally went, Scott slowly pulled out and took off the condom, tying it off and tossing it into the bin by the bed. He climbed off the and went into the bathroom wetting a rag with warm water, he brought it back to the bedroom and gently cleaned up his mate before tossing the rag next to the bed.

He climbed into the bed next to Logan, who had his eyes closed. "Sorry I can't give you proper aftercare, but I'll make sure to draw you a bath when you wake up," he said, only receiving a hum before Logan went limp beside him. 


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Word count: 848

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 5 pm

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