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It was just past lunch the next day, and Logan and Scott were on the motorcycle heading toward the institute. They rode up the long, winding road until they entered the gate. Logan parked the bike, and they both climbed off. Scott waited patiently for the older man to stash the helmets and place the bike near the bush so it wasn't in the way.

"Scott," Logan called softly as they reached the top of the stairs to enter the large building. "What are we going to do?" He asked and Scot frowned.

"About what?" He asked with confusion written all over his face.

"About us," Logan Clarified. "What are we going to do? Are we telling people? Are we hiding it?" he asked, and Scott's frown deepened.

"I don't want to hide that we are mates," The brunette said, "But if you want then we will, I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He said and Logan gave him a small but noticeable smile.

"I don't want to hide it, but I don't want to go around telling everyone either," He said, and Scott nodded, "How about, we don't tell 'em, but if they ask, just tell them the truth?" He suggested and Scott grinned at him.

"That could work," Scott said, stepping closer and pecking him on the lip. "Now let's go. I have to let the professor know I'm still alive after that storm," he said, pulling away and opening the door for him.

They made their way inside the house and towards Xavier's office. When they arrived, Scott knocked on the door, and they heard a voice calling for them to enter. "Ah, Scott," the professor said, looking over at him. "I see that you have returned after all this bad weather," he said, and the brunette nodded.

"Yeah, Logan had found me when the storm had just started, and I waited it out with him," he replied, and the bald man turned to Logan as if noticing him for the first time.

"Logan," He said, and the other simply nodded.

"I'll be in my room," He said before turning and exiting the room.

He went towards the stairs and stopped looking up at them. He was on the fourth floor, and he had to climb so many stairs to get there. Sighing, he started up them. When he got to the second floor, he passed Jean going down. As she went by, she sniffed the air and scowled at him. "You smell like my mate," she hissed at him, and he raised a brow at her.

"I don't know what you are talking about," he returned. He knew Scott mentioned a mate of hers, but he didn't care enough to find out who it was. "I don't know who your mate is," he replied and turned to leave when she grabbed his hand.

"Don't play stupid, Logan," She hissed as if trying to intimidate him, "You were with Scott, my mate," She told him and Logan simply rolled his eyes.

"I would advise you, Jean," A voice said behind them, and they both turned to look at Scott, who was slowly making his way up the stairs with his hands in his pocket. "To release my mate," He said as he made his way past her and stood by Logan.

"He's not your mate," she almost yells frustratedly. "The sooner you realize that, the better," she says before giving Logan a nasty look and continuing down the stairs. Logan rolls his eyes and turns around, brushing past his Alpha and continuing up the stairs.

"I was coming up to change into a more suitable close before going out to help the other with the fallen trees that the storm blew down," Scott said, following home. "I also came to see if you wanted to help?" He asked as they finally reached their floor.

"I'll think about it," Logan said before going into his room and closing the door.

Scott looked at the door and smiled. He knew Logan didn't like being around people, so he wouldn't push it. He went to his room and changed into a tank top and basketball shorts before coming out to see Logan dressed in a tank top and sweatpants. He gave the Omega a smile before leading him down the stairs and out to the yard.


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Word count: 709

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 2 pm

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