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It's been two weeks since the two returned to the institute and it was almost painfully obvious that the two were closer.

However, not many had guessed that they were together because the majority of them thought Logan was an Alpha since he still wore his scent blockers outside of his room.

Scott had taken to sneaking into Logan's room after everyone had gone to sleep. Sometimes, by the time he got the omega, he was already asleep, and he would perch at the end of the bed just outside the nest. In the morning, when he woke up. He would be inside the nest, with Logan's arms wrapped around him. He was always the little spoon, seeing as he was smaller than the others. But he never minded, he liked waking with his omega's scent surrounding him.

Currently, that was the position they were in. Scott rolled over and wrapped his arms around Logan pulling him closer. "Morning Mate," He said but only received a grunt in return, he smiled knowing that his mate wasn't a morning person.

Sitting up on his elbows, he looked down at Logan, who blinked sleepily at him. Scott grinned wider as he leaned down and captured the older man's lips in his. He felt thick arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to the warm body beside him. After a few seconds, they pulled back, panting.

"Don't you have a class to teach today?" Logan asked and Scott groaned, dropping his head to Logan's chest.

"With Jean and Kitty," He replied and Logan scowled. Jean was still making it clear she thought Scott belonged with her and Logan had to refrain from clawing her a couple of times.

"Scott," Logan said softly, and Scott hummed, "I'm leaving after lunch today," Logan said, and Scott sighed heavily.

"When will you be back?" The brunette asked, and Wolverine looked down at him, confused.

"What?" He asked.

"When are you coming back?" Scott asked again.

"You're not going to ask why I'm leaving?" He asked and Scott sat up and looked down at him.

"No, if you want me to know, you'll tell me," he said, throwing a leg over Logan and sitting on him. I know you won't stay here long, Lo. You don't like being around people, and you like to have your own space. If you need to leave, I understand. I know where you're going, and I can call you or come visit you," he said as the raven stared up at him in awe.

"My heat," he said, and Scott frowned. "It's starting tomorrow," he informed Scott, and Scott nodded.

"I see. Do you have everything you need?" he asked, running his fingers through Logan's chest hair.

"Aren't you going to ask to come with me?" Logan asked and Scott's eyes locked with his.

"Only if you want me to," He replied, leaning down and kissing the older man. "I won't make you spend a heat with me inside you unless you want me to," He told him and Logan smirked up at him.

"What if I want to spend it with you?" he asked. "What if I want you to mate me? To make me feel you? What would you do then?" He looked smug as he saw the younger man on top of him take a deep breath.

"I would tell you to be ready for me when I get to your house tomorrow morning," Scott answered back, and Logan grinned, sitting up and pressing his chest to Scott's.

"Then I will be," he said, rolling over to Scott, who was on the bottom, and Logan, who was now on top. He spent a few seconds looking down at the younger man before frowning.

"What?" Scott asked, seeing the frown.

"Why are you so OK with everything?" Logan asked, and Scott tilted his head. "You are always so patient, and you always seem to know the right thing to say. You never react the way I expected you to," Logan stated.

"How do you expect me to react?" Scott asked, his hands rubbing Logan's forearms.

"Like an Alpha," Logan replied, "Most Alphas won't let their Omega manhandle them as you do. They wouldn't let their Omega be in charge or let them do half the things you do. You let me command you around in front of others and yell at you and curse at you, and you never do anything besides smile and say 'okay'. Why?" He asked, confused.

"Because you're my mate," Scott said, cupping his cheek. "You were that way before we were mates. I'm not going to make you change the way you act just because I'm your Alpha. I like the way you act, I'm happy I have a strong Omega like you that no one can do shit to because they are too scared. I love knowing you can take care of yourself and me, and knowing I can do the same. I'm patient because, over the past few weeks, I've come to see who you really are. And I'm OK with you manhandling me because I know when the time comes, you will submit to me." Scott said and Logan couldn't help but kiss him.

He was happy he got an Alpha like Scott Summers.


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Word count: 859

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 3 pm

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