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It was late the next day. Just after lunch, Scott and Logan were sitting on the couch. The storm was still raging outside as they watched the television.

The two were sitting relatively close on the couch, with about a foot of space between them. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the lights went out as lightning lit up the sky. Scott felt a hand grip his own tightly and heard Logan take some deep breaths beside him.

"Logan, Are you alright?" he asked worriedly, placing his hand over the one gripping him.

"Yeah, just flashbacks from the army," Logan said as he shakily stood up, his hand still gripping Scott's and pulling him along. He pulled Scott to the hallway and opened the door.

It took a moment for Scott to realize that it was the basement of the house. Logan reached in and grabbed something from the side of the wall and turned it on, shining the flashlight into the basement.

Logan slowly made his way down the stairs, and over into the corner of the basement. Once there, he noticed a generator. He watched as Logan fiddled with it before it came on and started to work. They made their way back up the stairs and Logan returned the flashlight to its rightful place. He led Scott back to the couch and sat down.

"The generator will take a while to chip in since I haven't used it in a while," Logan said, slouching on the couch, "Do you want something to drink or eat while we wait?" he asked, looking over at the younger male.

"No thanks," Scott said, "Besides, I don't think it's safe to walk around in the dark if you can't see." He said and Logan chuckled.

"I can see in the dark," he replied, chuckling some more when Scott snapped his head towards him.

"Of course, you can," the brunette mumbled, "I thought your powers were just claws and indestructibility?" He said, and Logan huffed.

"I wish that was only it," he said, shuffling closer to Scott. "I can smell, see, hear, and sense things from miles away. My sense of touch and taste is heightened as well. I got enhanced strength, my healing factor, night vision, enhanced agility, and enhanced reflexes," he explained, and he could see the dumbfounded look on his mate's face.

"Wow," Scott breathed. "I really underestimate your abilities," he mumbled, and the lights flashed on.

"Most people do," Logan said, picking up the television remote. "Basically, I'm just the human unkillable version of the best dog out there," he said, and Scott frowned a bit.

"Logan, can I ask you something?" he asked. His voice was a bit unsure and hesitant, making the older man look over at him before nodding. "You said that you are over two hundred years old. Does that mean that you have, um... you know?" He trailed off, and Logan raised a brow.

"You're asking if I ever fucked anyone?" Logan asked, and Scott turned red at his bluntness but nodded.

"No, I haven't." Logan said and Scott looked at him in disbelief, "Don't look so shocked, it was a sin to be gay when I was born. If you were caught, then you'd be killed or tortured, I have seen people being shot by their own families because they were gay. So, because of that, I couldn't find anyone to really do anything with, and no girls really interested me either. It's just in the last few years that people started to accept gays, but then the idea of it being wrong had already stuck in my head. I've just recently come to terms with how many things have changed," He answered, and Scott hummed.

"Can...can I," He stared but paused and sighed, while Logan waited patiently for him to finish asking. "Can I kiss you?" Scott finally choked out.

"Sure," Logan replied and Scott grinned before he leaned closer and connected their lips.

Tingles shot through both their lips. Scott brought a hand up and cupped the older man's scruffy cheek. Logan wrapped his arms around Scott's waist and hoisted him up onto his lap, making the younger man huff in surprise and pull out of the kiss. "Sorry," he said when the brunette looked down at him with a questioning look. "If I went on your lap, I would crush you," he murmured, and Scott huffed.

"No, you wouldn't," he said. "You don't look that heavy," he said, and Logan laughed.

"I'm three hundred pounds." He informed the younger one who gaped at him.

"Well, I guess I was wrong," Scott muttered, "I'll have to work out more," he said, wrapping his arms around Logan's neck and burying his head in his neck.

"The storm should be over by morning," Logan told him and Scott looked out the window to see that the rain was indeed letting up.

"I will have to go back as soon as I can," Scott said with his face still buried in Logan's neck.

"I can give you a ride on my motorcycle if it lets up by lunch," Logan told him, but the only reply he got was a hum.


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Word count: 844

Re-published: April 30, 2024, 1 pm

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