Chapter 1 [reupload]

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Engel's PoV:

It's been 2 days since Claire's death. How could those two imbeciles do this as a so-called "prank". I will get those two back the way they did to Claire.

I sighed, looking at the time. It was the last period, and I was getting impatient. How I wanted to see them suffer, cry out for help. How I wanted to see them bleed.

The bell finally rang. Good riddance. I made my way to Edward since Oliver and Zip are friends with him. He did nothing wrong, sure. But he was first on my list.

"Hey, Edward!"


He had a cast on his arm since Zip ran him over with a fucking boat-

"Wanna hang out at my place after school?"

"Uhm. Why? I thought you hated us?"

"I 'forgave' you guys"

"Oh really?"


"Alright, let's go"

We exited the school and started walking to my house. Everything is going according to plan! Now, I just have to trap him in the basement.

Once we entered my home, I pushed Edward to the basement door.


I kept silent as I opened the door and threw him in. He fell down the stairs, which wasn't a good idea doing that. But I had to. Otherwise, he would run away.

I walked down the stairway, closing the door and locking it before doing so.


"This?. Oh it's nothing, Edward. Let's say that you will.. "Stay" here for a while.."


"You heard me right. You will be here in this basement. And I get to do this."

I grabbed a rope from a table and grabbed Edward by the shoulder firmly. A bit too firmly, I could see a little bit of blood.


"Ah-ah-ah! I can not do that."



I just tied him up. After that was done, it was time for the good part..

"Tell me, Edward."

I exclaimed. Looking at him with hatred.

"Is there any reason that your friends with some murderers?"

"Murderers.? THEY DIDN'T MEAN IT."

"Oh? They didn't, did they?."

Edward was trying to get free. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Then why didn't they think it through?. You know, a prank is supposed to be funny. But, they abducted someone special away from me, Edward. That made me feel.. empty, is the right term."

My grip got tighter as I explained, to the point I could break his shoulder. He winced in pain, which made me smile.

"Oh, what's wrong?. Feeling pain..?"


"Glad to hear..)~"

I forced my hand onto his shoulder, breaking it. Causing him to yell in pain. I smirked.

"This is what happens, Edward. You face the consequences of your actions."


"I can hide in the shadows. And no one will find me."

I sliced his chest open while saying that, he screamed in pain. Blood was coming out like a river, I was a little disgusted but kept on going.

I put my hand into his body, grabbing his stomach and ripping it out. All he could do was scream, calling out for help.

"What's wrong? It's just a scratch.."

Edward was breathing fast, which was a bad idea for him. The more air onto his fresh wound made him feel worse than ever.


"Awwww, can't do that, Ed.."

Then I grabbed one of his lungs, ripping it out like his stomach. Screaming is still going on, as I removed his organs one by one. Felt satisfying to me..

"Say, Edward."

"How does it feel? To be tortured like Abbie, Lana, and Claire? Body parts removed, organs being eaten, being ripped in half."


"Silent treatment, huh? Well then.."

I grabbed his heart and ripped it. Ending his life. It felt nice. Seeing him cry out for help.

.. / .... .- ...- . -. .----. - / -... . . -. / - .... . / ... .- -- . .-.-.- / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . .-.-.- / .... .

((I had to reupload cuz for some reason it didn't show-


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