Chapter 3

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Zip's PoV:

After Engel slammed the door, I got even more suspicious of him. I decided to investigate after school tomorrow.

I went back to my house (which was a few steps away) and quickly went to my room.
I entered my room and sat on my bed, thinking about the situation that had just happened.

"Why would he randomly say 'kill yourself'? That is not like him AT ALL..."

I grabbed my phone, checking to see if Edward responded to my messages. Nope. He didn't.

I sighed, laying down on my bed. I'm still wondering why Engel would say that. Especially when Edward disappeared after...

Wait a second.

Did Engel KILL Edward and Oliver??.

No, no, he wouldn't. He's probably still upset about Claire's death.

But that was Oliver's scream...

I will investigate this night, I NEED to find out. I HAVE to, is more correct.


I checked my phone again, 12 am. I got out of my house to Engel's, checking if there were any open windows.

And there was an open window! I quietly climbed into his house, walking to his basement (wherever it is...)

I tried to open one door, but it was locked. This is the basement. And there is no key, so I need to lock pick it.

I grabbed a hair clip from my hair. Thank god I saved these for stuff like this. I put the hair clip into the lock, trying to unlock the door. A click sound could be heard. It was unlocked. It was a bit loud, so I hope he didn't wake up.

I started to make my way down the stairs until a weird smell came to my nose. Smells like something is rotting. I covered my nose because of the smell. The smell got worse as I took every step down the stairs. I grabbed out my flashlight, and turned on. There was only a table but as I turned left, my eyes widened at the sight.

Edward and Oliver were there but horribly tortured. I started to tear up from what I was seeing. I ran over to Oliver's body. Hugging his body as I let a few quiet sobs out.


No ones PoV:

Engel woke up from the sound of a door clicking.

"Knew she would come here.."

Engel murmured as he got up. He made his way to the basement. Closing the door.

He made his way down the stairs, slightly chuckling.

Zip looked at the stairs, then started to look around, trying to find a space to hide. There was nowhere to hide.

"Well well well. Zip? What a surprise being here!"


Engel: "Oh Zip. You should have thought twice before doing that prank."


Engel: "Correct."

Engel exclaimed as he grabbed Edward's heart, taking a few steps closer to Zip, who was taking a few steps back.

Engel ran to Zip, grabbing her by the arm.

Engel: "Oh you won't get away."

He made Zip turn around, stuffing Edward's heart into her mouth.

Engel: "Eat it."

Zip tried to get the heart out if her mouth, but Engel was still forcing her to eat it.

Engel: "Aww, what's wrong? It's your friend! Isn't it?"

Zip cried muffily while being force-fed to eat her own friends heart. It tasted horrible, because the heart was slowly rotting. After 10 minutes of trying to make her eat it, she finally swallowed it whole.

Engel: "How did your friend taste?."

Zip looked at Engel with pure hatred.

Zip: "What is wrong with you?."

Engel: ":3"

Engel grabbed the butchers knife, slicing her tail off. Zip screamed while tears falling down her face.

Engel: "Aww, calm down. It doesn't hurt THAT bad."

Engel then started to cut her face, making her scream harder. He slowly cut her face as Zip screamed more.

After he was done cutting half of her face off, he started to cut her mouth off.


Zip stopped yelling, making it easier for Engel to cut her mouth off.

After that, Zip got free from his grip and ran out of the basement.


Zip ran to the street into an alleyway, which was a dead end.

Engel got closer to her.

Engel: "If you say ANYTHING to the police about this you won't see your dear family again, y'hear?!"

Zip nodded and Engel let her go.

Engel: "Now get out of my sight. I don't want anyone to know that I did this."

Zip ran as fast as she could to the nearest hospital, entering the ER.

The receptionist looked at Zip with concern.

Jennie (Receptionist): "..What on earth happened to you?!"

Zip: "I.. I...."

As Zip was about to finish her sentence, she passed out onto the floor.

Jennie (Receptionist): "SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR, STAT."


Engel's PoV:

I made my way home and started to clean myself, that bitch shouldn't have came here.

Eh, I can get her later anyway.

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((Finally after like 2 or 3 hours of writing I DID IT-


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