Chapter 2

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Narrators PoV:

The next day.

Engel went back to school like normal. He looked at Zip and Oliver, who were talking about Edward.

Zip: "Yo dude, why didn't Edward come today?"

Oliver: "Last time he was with Engel, but I think he got sick."

Zip: "You sure? Engel might have done something."

Oliver: "Pssshh, c'mon! He's the nice kid. He wouldn't do that!"

Zip: "Let's ask him then."

Oliver: "He will say: he got sick. You will see"

Zip and Oliver made their way to Engel, who was placing his bag on his locker. Zip poked onto his shoulder.

Zip: "Yo Engel, do you know what happened to Ed? He didn't show up today."

Engel: "Oh, uhm.. He got.. a stomach bug, a really bad one. Yeah"

Oliver: "I told you!"

Zip: "And tell us how BAD the stomach bug was."

Engel: "He puked until he.. passed out. So I had to bring him home."

Zip: "Oh damn.. We should call him after school, Oliver."

Oliver: "Yea, poor dude."

They walked away as Engel sighed in relief. Those two can be gullible, sure. But now, he had to think of something much more important.

Tricking Oliver.

He can make Oliver pass out, but people would see it.

But giving him soap with anaesthesia is a better option. Since Oliver loves eating soap, he will eat that soap and pass out slowly.

But he had to wait until schools over. That way, he could start his second plan.

Timeskip to after school cuz lazy to write everything in the school plus really long chapter:

After school was over, Engel grabbed a soap and a needle filled with anaesthesia. He filled the soap with the anaesthesia and made his way to Oliver.

Engel: "Oliver, I got soap for you!"

Oliver: "Soap? Are you sure it's the kind I like?"

Engel: "Yes"

Oliver: "Alright, thanks for the soap, weeb."

Oliver grabbed the soap and took a bite, not knowing that it had anaesthesia.

Engel: "How is it?."

Oliver: "Good, good.. But I'm feeling a bit dizzy..."

Engel: "How dizzy?."

Oliver: "..What did you do to that soap..?!"

Engel: "Oh nothing, I just added anaesthesia.."

Oliver: "You sick son of..."

Oliver passed out and Engel caught him before he fell. He made his way back home while carrying Oliver.

Once he got home, he quickly made his way to his basement. He tied Oliver up and grabbed his arm, ripping it off.

Then he looked at Edwards body, who was across Oliver's unconscious body.

Engel: "This will be fun to see."

He mumbled, grabbing a butchers knife and putting it into his pocket.

1 hour later, Oliver woke up, looking around

Oliver: "..What the-"

He looked at his left shoulder, where his arm was supposed to be.

Oliver: "WHAT THE FU -"

Engel: "Hello, Oliver."

Oliver looked across the room and saw a shadow. He immediately recognised who that was.


Oliver squinted his eyes to see better, which didn't work.

Engel: "You can move closer if you like."

Oliver shimmied closer to see better. His eyes widened once he saw him.

Oliver: "You said he was sick."

Engel: "I lied, lmao."

Oliver: "Why."

Engel: "Why not?"

Oliver: "Why though."

Engel: "Why not? :3"

Engel moved closer to Oliver, taking the butchers knife out.

Oliver looked at him.

Oliver: "Your gonna do the same to me or what?!."

Engel: "Yea lmao you're gonna die like Joe."

Oliver: "..Who's Joe."

Engel stabs his eye, taking it out. Oliver screamed in pain. He stabbed his second eye, doing the same.


Engel: "Too bad, so sad :3"


Engel: "Nope, you talk too much."

Oliver: "NUH-UH."

Engel: "..Fuck you mean 'Nuh-uh'?"

Oliver: "NUH-U-"

Engel put his hand into his mouth and grabbed his tounge, making it stick out.

Oliver: "*muffled* STOP THIS MADNESS."

Engel: "Nah :3"

He cut Oliver's tounge off, Oliver screamed the loudest he can.

Engel: "sheesh, you can't shut the fuck up, can't you?"

And just that, Engel chopped Oliver's head off, ending his life.

Engel went out of the basement to wash himself until the door knocked.

Engel: "..awwww shit-"

He quickly changed his shirt and washed his face, then opening the door. It was Zip

Zip: "What the fuck was that screaming. It sounded like Oliver."

Engel: "It's your imagination."

Zip: "You sure?"

Engel: "Yes. Now kill yourself. :3"

Zip: "..What the fuck is wrong with you."

The door slammed onto her.

Zip: "..Ok, weirdo."

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((I was on a call with my pal Karma while writing this, so this chapters kind of a joke


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