Chapter 8

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3rd Person PoV:

Engel stood up, stretching his back.

"That bastard..."

He mumbled under his breathe. His back hurt like hell because Zip kicked his back hardly.
He grabbed a part of Mr. Demi's brain, eating it. He didn't know why he did, but he felt like eating his brain. While he was making his way back, he felt something was off.

Some buildings were swapped.

He stared at the two buildings, completely bamboozled.

"Are those two buildings... Swapped?."

He asked himself. What if his dreams were right? What if Claire in that dream was right?

Is this really fake?.

His mind was filled with questions, he wanted to wake up. He really did. But something wasn't letting him to.

He went to his home, locking the door once he entered.

His mind started to think of ways to wake up. From pinching to cutting himself, it didn't work.

"Maybe cutting a hand will work.."

He thought to himself.

He looked at the blender that was on the kitchen counter, his mouth cracking a broken smile.

He put his hand into the blender, turning the blender on right after. His smile grew wider while his hand was being shredded into pieces. He was slightly losing consciousness. It was working!

Maybe this was the way out!

He forced his wrist into the blender, slowly killing himself due to blood loss. His consciousness weakend more and more every time he forced his arm into the blender. Once half of his was in the blender, he already lost most of his consciousness. He forced his arm one last time, making him die in his very coma.

He slowly opened his eyes.

He was free from this nightmare.

He felt free.

He looked to his right, seeing Bubble looking at him happily. Yeah she didn't have a mouth, but her eyes showed the happiness.

Bubble: "You're alive! I got so scared that they would cut off your life support..."

Engel's PoV:

I look at Bubble.

Yeesh.. My head hurts....

How long was I out for..?
Why am I in a hospital bed..?!

Bubble: "You didn't wake up after Miss Circle threw you to a wall.."


Engel: "How long was I..-"

Bubble: "Almost a month."

..A MONTH?!.

Bubble: "By the way, the doctors told me to tell you that you need to take these pills."


I slowly sit up as Bubble grabbed the pills. She handed the pills to me.

Bubble: "They said that you were dealing with extreme stress and depression."

..Why does the label look so... Torn off..?

What is this pill...

. -. -.. ..--..

(This book was gonna be longer. But my motivation said: fuck you. This book and chapter will be a short one.
Sorry :[


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