Engel finds a door

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(Ty ErmIForgorSorry for writing this! ^^)


Well, shit. The door fell on Zip when i slammed the door, guess i gotta find a new one. I stepped out of the house, walking over the fallen door as I go to my blue 2018 Honda Civic LX Sedan 4D.

He went to the 2018 Honda Civic LX Sedan 4D and opened the door, slamming the door shut. He then starts up his 2018 Honda Civic LX Sedan 4D with his penith key.
He started up the car and began to drive. He crashed into several houses because lmao who cares about that shit amiright!!! Engel continued driving when he saw- wait- is that fucking Peter Griffin!? Engel didn’t really care, and he ran over Peter Griffin with his car. Engel continued driving, till he fucking noclipped into the floor and flung up into the sky. He started to freak out as he was LITERALLY in the sky. Suddenly Engel teleported into a Home Depot, right at the door section. Convenient. Engel felt he was in danger, when suddenly his fucking car fell on top of him. The taco bell ding sound played when it hit him.
Engel noclipped THROUGH the car and stood on top of it. Engel turned to his left and saw a Home Depot employee, with the name tag ‘Artina’ on. Engel T-posed and pulled out a glock shooting Artina and default dancing on his car. Engel floated off his car still T-posing and glides over to the door.
Engel phased through the door and ended up in the backrooms- wait, the backrooms!?!??!?! Engel looked around like wtf and noticed Claire. His eyes widened and he felt tears form at his eyes. He started walking over to Claire, when she suddenly died Minecraft style. Engel went over to Claire and went to touch her face but she sinks into the ground and explodes, flinging Engel out and back into the Home Depot.
Engel flings into his car and his car yells at him????? Engel’s car runs him over and he starts bawling like a LLLLOSER AHAHAAHAHAH LOSER CRYING LIKE A LIL BABY!!!!!!!!! Sorry about that. Anyways, next Engel looks at someone named Denice. Denice looks Engel square in the eyes and says………….

“skidaddle skidoodle, your dick is gone and now youre- a- a woman!!!!”

Denice says, pointing at him.

“What, but im not a-”

Engel says, looking down and now realizing he has BAHONGAZ!?!??!?!?!
Engel stares at his new KNOCKERSSS in confusion. What the hell…………….. Suddenly a new character named Petal appeared. She pulled out a comically large magic wand and smacked Engel across the face with it, and he suddenly was in a maid outfit!?!??! Petal then evaporated into thin air whilst flipping off Engel. Engel stared in confusion. WTF!?!?!? Engel finally got off the car and went over to look at doors. He walks over to a blue door when it falls on him and he suddenly teleports into heaven!?!?! He sees Claire there and goes to hug her before a portal suddenly appears and says

“Hoe it aint yo time yet”

And throws him back down to the doors. Engel looked at the doors and felt a tear roll down his face. He went to look at the doors when he noticed a normal plain Minecraft oak door. Engel grabbed the door and began carrying it in his mouth out the door. Engel looked up into the sky and called out to Jesus Christ. Jesus descended down and approached Engel.

“Hey gamers its me Jesus H. Christ!! I’m here to help you get home!!!!”

He said, as he picked up Engel and fucking FLUNG HIS ASS ACROSS THE WORLD. Engel was now at his house!!!! He went up to his doorframe and picked up the old door and threw it at the neighbors house. Engel puts the door onto the doorframe, and starts gangnam style dancing when the door suddenly falls on Engel.

R.I.P Engel LMAO.

(This is a non-canon chapter lol)

(Okay so, the characters in this chapter belong to:

Artina, Mine-

Denice, idk

And last but not least.

Petal, -_Zip_From_FPE_-.)

Engel's insanity // FPE AUWhere stories live. Discover now