Chapter 4

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Zip's PoV:

I slowly start gaining consciousness again.. God.. My head still hurts like hell... Where am I?. Am I in the hospital??.


Is that Chip?. I look at my right, seeing my brother. Oh, poor fella.. seeing his sister like this..

I felt a lot of cold air in my mouth.. Everything's starting to get a bit clear..

"Hey.. I-I'm ok, Chip.."

I'm definitely not.. Half of my face has been cut off. Because of Engel..

Chip: "Are you sure?. Your mouth is..."

Zip: "I know, Chip. But hey, I'm not dead or anything.."

Chip: "As soon as we heard you were in the hospital, we ran here!."

Zip: "Chip.. Come here..."

Chip came and jumped onto the hospital bed. He looked like he was crying.. God, I wish I didn't go to that bastards house...

Zip: "It's gonna be ok. I will just learn how to live with half of my face.."

He gently hugged me. I hugged back with one arm.


Engel's PoV:

I threw my knife to the air, swinging it.

Staying at home sucked. Especially hiding from ∆lice.

I can try taking out one of the teachers. Like Mister Demi or Miss Grace.

Miss Sasha is one of the weakest, I can kill her.

I grinned as I caught my knife once again. Looking at the idea, Miss Sasha dies, and Mister Demi gets depressed. [A/N: Miss Sasha and Mister Demi are dating in my au, lol] A win-lose.

Or I can kill Mister Demi first, then I kill Miss Sasha.

I look out my bedroom window, seeing Mister Demi looking for something. Perfect.

I jumped out of the window, which I should have thought twice about it.

I made my way to him.

"Hey, Mister Demi, what are you doing outside of the school?"

I asked, making my soft smile.

M.D: "Looking for a few students, they say that they are missing,, what if you are next??"

Engel: "Mister, calm down. We can look for them together!"

M.D: "You sure, Engel?"

Engel: "Of course! I'm always here to help anyone in need!"

My smile grew bigger, damn he's a little bit gullible.

A noise suddenly can be heard from behind us

M.D: "What the-"

We both turned around to see a portal and someone stepping out of it.

I stare at the person, ready to throw fists.

Karma: "Hello there I am here to give Engel a fanfiction and a paper doll"

Engel: "How the fuck do you-"

They handed me the fanfiction and a paper doll of Claire. And then they ran away, dissapearing outta thin air- Wait what.

M.D: "..That was something"

Engel: "Agreed"

I grabbed Mister Demi by his arm, pulling him away from a public place.

M.D: "Where are we going??"

Engel: "To look for the missing students"

M.D: "Oh.."

After a few minutes of good walking, we ended up in the same alleyway that Zip ran into.

M.D: "Uhm.."

Engel: "I'm sorry."

M.D: "For what?."

Engel: "For THIS."

I stabbed both of my hands into his head, pulling it apart.

Engel: "..That was easier than I expected. Really."

I heard a gasp from afar, I turned around to see Miss Sasha. SHIT. I FORGOT SHE CAN INFORM THE POLICE ON ME.

"Miss. I'm sorry."

I murmured.

I ran over to Miss Sasha, stabbing her right in the heart, pulling it apart from her body.

"..Atleast you can see him in heaven."

I walked away, eating her heart as I made my way home again. Huh, I don't know why Zip didn't want to eat a heart. It's fucking DELICIOUS.

I saw two people in front of me. Guess Zip got out of the hospital. And Chip next to her.

I slowly made my way to her, grabbing my butchers knife. I raised my knife over to her head, making sure to hit her at the right moment.


I don't know who I hit, but I think it was Chip. I quickly ran from the crime scene.


3rd person PoV:

Zip felt someone pushing her from the side as blood splattered everywhere. She fell to the ground, watching Chip's head get chopped in half.


Zip managed to yell out, tears falling down her face. She saw Engel flee, which made her boil in anger.

"Oh that motherfucker will pay.."

Zip muttered, grabbing Chip's body.

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