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"Fifty thousand naira"

I stopped dead on my track as those words echoed out of the mic. Fifty what???

With that money you can totally buy that shoes you saw upstairs.

My subconsciousness kicked in.

Shut up. I know.

"We just need one more person to join. If you're interested please raise your hands."I found my self turned with my right hands held high upwards with the few people raising their hands.

"Me! Me! Me!" I yelled, I could have swore that people were throwing me all kinds of looks but who cares, I just needed that money in my pocket Asap.

Fridayyy looked round before moving the mic closer to his lips again." Yes you with the Loud voice and unkempt hair" he pointed.

You could have just said yes you with the multicolored shirt. I hissed inwardly going into center of the semi-large crowd.

A smile still lingered on His face as I walked to him standing beside me. A camera was In front of us, videoing the action.

"What's your name?"Fridayyy asked, pointing the mic to my mouth.

I leaned a little to the mic." Monica idara"I lied. No way was I going to say my real name.

"Monica are you sure you can handle this"he questioned looking over at the five hot bowl of spicy pepper soup.

"As far as there's meat in there and you will pay me after the meal, there's no problem."I admitted as a matter of fact. For a brief second I heard a feminine laughter from the crowd.

"Can I ask a question" I whispered slowly to Fridayyy. Not waiting for him to answer, I continue anyway." Can you blur my face before posting the video?"

He hesitated." Okay"

Was all he said before leaving me standing like a fool. I joined the other participant on the table. Dusting the chair, I sat on it staring at the smoke coming out of the bowl.

"Now contesters, are you ready"

"Yessss!!!" Everyone on the table apart from me yelled.

"Now on your spoon," we all grabbed our spoon." Set," another pause." Go."

With that I dived into the bowl with my spoon drinking it like I was being pursued. Fridayyy wasn't lying when he said that the pepper in this soup was spicy cause it really was. I felt throat burn as it passed through. Two of the contesters dropped out, it was obviously because of the hotness of the soup. The guy besides me wasn't giving up anytime soon because he was still sipping and sipping just like I was.

'go girl you can do this' I kept hearing Nneka's voice as I kept sipping not even caring if I was staining my self. 'this girl dey try o' 'forget that thing, na the boy go win' the voice kept coming.

"Five minutes more"Fridayyy announced.

As if a nut was loosed from my head, I raised the bowl immediately dumping the pepper soup– which may have been cooked with twenty pepper–into my mouth. The people were just making different sounds like ' ayeee' 'oshey' as I dropped the bowl, Belching out loudly earning stares from the boy close to me and some people in the crowd who heard it.

Even Fridayyy was not left out." Oookay! Seems like we have ourselves a winner." He announced. " Everyone please give Monica a round of applause"

Some people started clapping as I stood up. "So the money is it cash or transfer" I asked and Fridayyy turned to me swiftly.


It's not my fault that am that desperate.

Completely ignoring me, he turned to the crowd. Rude much." To show that am not bluffing, am going to transfer the money to her right now"

He turned to me."tell me your account number" he brought out a phone from his pocket, making me to wonder how many phone he had.

After telling him my account number, he tapped on his phone for a while before saying." Done" and at the same time, I received an alert of 50k.

I had to literally stop my self from screaming." Remember guys. Transfer can be done faster and easier with your momo PSB bank..." Fridayyy continued.

What is this? Family feud?

I didn't wait for him to finish before rushing to meet Nneka who seemed to have gotten closer to the black girl.

For a moment, if I wasn't mistaken. I saw a familiar gaze on me, I looked but couldn't find anyone familiar so I just shrugged it off showing Nneka the alert.

I was so happy.

Very happy.


Chapter 4 ♥

What do you think about this chapter???

Sorry about the short chapter, I promise to update a long chapter next.

Please don't forget to touch the orange star before leaving ♥♥♥♥💕

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