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It's finally here.


Me. standing. Inside. The. Assembly hall.

As I expected, the hall was quiet as the vice principal Mr okomi gave a retuning speech to all the students. Everyone had their eyes on him as they listened, which was somehow attributed to the honourable head girl of Preston high. Falade Williams. Who  moved round the hall searching for who to punish.

According to the juniors, she was just like the devil, looking for who to devour. I had to laugh at their words because it was true, Falade was a bitchy head girl. Believe when I say this because I have witnessed it first hand in SS2.

Although she wasn't the head girl then, she never allowed anyone to talk down at her to bully her just like yours truly.

Although I was kind of the wallflower of the school. Always being quiet and minding my business.

Back to the story. The head girl then– Bella– tried to punish Falade because she had they both had the same hairstyle on and according to her, no body especially a bloody junior have the same hairstyle on.

So she asked Falade to loose her hair in front of everyone but knowing Falade, she just sized her up with her eyes and attempted to walk away from them. But was stopped Bella who wasn't expecting the hot slap that landed on her face as she did that.

The students were in uproar as they couldn't believe it, even me myself was dazed by it. Bella attempted to say something again but was silenced by another hot slap. Everyone expected Bella to give her back her dose, which she did but was stopped by Derek Bayodele who was there in time to stop the fight.

According to what I heard, Bella was later asked to apologize to Falade which she did cause no one wants to be cross with the Williams, her dad was the chairman of the school board so he could expel Bella if he wanted to but he didn't because Falade decided against it.

After that, bella became extremely nice to Falade and the rest was history.

"Now. Let's welcome the head boy. Derek Bayodele" my head turned immediately to that name, as I could see Derek making his way to the stage.

The beast himself.

No capping but Derek was the most feared senior in Preston high. He was handsome, yes! Infact ranked as the most handsome boy in Preston high. But being handsome was only his cover up, he was brutal, especially when it came to disobedient students.

He never smiles. He always had a straight face on anytime he was speaking to others and did I mention intimidating? Cause that was probably his best suit.

One time, a junior stepped bumped into him and spilled a coke on his uniform. Everyone in sight of that scene immediately felt sorry for the poor boy because as the famous slang of the Ss3 states; he has entered or better yet, kasala don burst.

The look from Derek eyed that day was enough to make the poor junior wee on his body with tears on his face. It was obvious he was scared, everyone was but the just rubbed it off by pretending in front of him.

But as for me, am scared and I always avoid him anytime am in the same space as him like literally. The last thing I would want right now is to get involved with the handsome beast up on that stage.

".....the school has a good name and I plead with all the old and incoming students to keep that name..."

Plead? More like I dare you to ruin that name.

His mouth kept moving, it was obvious he was still not done. His eyes  has not moved from the students even once, he was not even looking at the paper on the podium but at the students with full attention.

And I must say, he wasn't given the crown of the most handsome boy in the school for nothing.

"...... Another thing, the ss2 students were invited to the annual mathematics competition which will be held in Abuja. Any interested students should meet either me or the assistant head boy..."

I bet They were all going to meet the assistant head boy.

"......last but not the least, a sport event is coming up in the state's national stadium. all the students in the swim team, basketball team, football team, track team and volleyball team should meet their coach for further explanation. The basketball team and track team are to wait after the assembly. If you know you have on the wrong uniform or hairstyles, PLEASE! Wait after the assembly. Don't bother running to the class cause if you're caught, your punishment will be doubled" he paused, maybe to scan the reaction of the hall which was not giving.

He concluded. " That will be all for today. Drummer hit it"

The drum started as the students– not all – filed out of the hall slowly.

I heaved a sigh as I strolled towards the social prefect Shola who was addressing the wrongly dressed students.

"Don't worry. Eh! The head boy is coming to determine if we punish you or no. So just pray eh! Pray that he's in a good mood today or else!" That was enough for the juniors who were standing to start murmuring and putting their hands together to pray.

But we all knew it was not going to work.

"Shola" I called out as she turned to see me standing behind her.

Her eyes rolled."where were you? I was looking for you. How many times do I have to tell you to be besides me at all times?"

She was mad at me and it showed.
"Sorry jor. I was standing close to the stage today, Mr Greg's order"

Her eyes lingered on me as if she wasn't believing me. " Mm hmm! And you expect me to believe you abi?"

"Believe me or not Shola, it's the truth."

"Okay o, Sha tell 'Mr Greg' that you have to assist me in the assembly hall next time" her hands formed an air quote as she spoke.

I Nodded my head. " Watch the students before Derek comes. Am going to the sick bay" with that, she left the hall leaving me alone with the students. I rested by back on the wall close to the entrance of the hall with my hands crossed across each other as I watched the juniors who were waiting for their punishment.

They were talking instead of waiting quietly. A girl even tried explaining her reasons for having a purple braid on but I just listened and did nothing because I was only an assistant.

I closed me eyes to shut out the noise that was building up. All of a sudden, I couldn't hear anything. The small talks were no longer heard.


More silence.

Silence, silence, silence.

Until I opened my eyes to meet with the pair of brown eyes that stared at me.

At first my heart skipped a beat, before it started beating fastly.

The heck!

What was he doing in front of me?

Why was he in front of me?

Why was he staring at me like that?

How the heck did this happen?

Where the only questions on my mind as I stared back at those orbs fixated on me.

Chapter 6 done

Okay. How was the chapter?

What do you think of Falade? Do you think she will be an interesting character?

What do you think of Derek?

Thanks for reading ❤️ don't forget to touch that orange star before leaving ♥♥♥♥♥♥

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