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I hope you catching villains.


"Who are you?" He asked, as my mind went far and wide. What was he doing in front of me, why was the one guy I've trying to avoid in this school In front of me.

He brows joined together as he stared at me, he let out a breath before dropping his hand on his pocket. " Who are you?" He spat out, his voice low and authoritative.

I could feel eyes on me as I opened my mouth slowly." Am the assistant social prefect."

"Where's Shola?" he questioned.

"The sick bay" my eyes went down to the floor. " She went to the sick bay " I added.

He looked at me for a while before walking to the students who just stood there. The way he moved was subtle and calm, his eyes moving from one students to another. Maybe thinking of various dubious ways to punish them.

His movement alert the students, the sweats on their faces were visible as I silently prayed for them.

"Guy" a voice called out moving to him, it was Falaye Williams. the twin brother of Falade. he had on the school vest instead of the blazer which actually looked good on him, his hair was neatly weaved bringing out his features, he moved over to Derek who just stood behind the students with his hand folded behind his back.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but it sounded important cause he looked over at me, as i immediately looked at the floor.

He pointed at me,"you!" He called out.


"Me?” I voiced out.

His head went backwards before facing me again." Yes you. The girl standing there."

"Hmm" I hummed, praying silently that he leaves. His presence alone was making me anxious.

I watched as he looked at the junior again before looking at me." Punish them." Was all he said as he spun on his heels and it was final.

Senior please

We will not do it again.

Please let us go.


The students kept murmuring.

He stopped. I expected him to pardon them but instead he looked at me again before opening his mouth.

"Make sure that they are all punished before allowing them to leave the hall" he concluded before walking off with Falaye who kept gesturing as they were talking.


Chills ran through my spine as I walked through the ss1 block hugging myself. I couldn't wait to see the punishment so I just left it for the labor and uniform prefect.

Feeling a hand snaked around my waist, I didn't bother turning because I knew that there was only one boy in Preston that can touch me like that.

"What's with the mood this morning"

Dawg Daniels or DD as I liked to call him. He has been my best friend since Jss1, he was literally the first person that said hi to me and from there on we became best friends especially when we found out that we both loved Lisa from black pink.

I took my time to look at my cute bestie. He had a low cut on his hair which was his signature  looks, his dark eyes couldn't look more beautiful as they stared at him. His white sleeves was neatly ironed as they were tucked under his ironed pencil  grey trouser, his blazer was nowhere to be found and his red tie was slightly lose as it hanged around his neck. Black and white Nike hugged his feet and I was like.


My best friend is hot!

"Can't stop staring abi?" He asked feeling his self. Releasing a hiss from me.

"Stop feeling yourself Abeg! You're not that Handsome" I sneered and a scoff escaped his lips.

He shook his head. "Am not fine. Do you know how many guys and girls will line up just to get my attention?"

"Whala for who nor get attention o"I mocked as I continued with my journey with

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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