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The sun flickered in my eyes as the curtain were swung opened by someone. Someone who was obviously going to get fired for it.

I was still sleepy as I tried to take in the figure in front of me, tall and fair skinned with a versace brand dress beautiful pinned on her flawless skin, I didn't need anyone to tell me who it was.

"Jeez!" I groaned using the blanket to cover my head as I  turned to the other side of the bed trying to force myself to sleep again.

But this woman wasn't going to have it, she dragged the blanket from my head swiftly.

"Mum!"I half yelled. But she seemed unbothered, just standing there with her hands folded.

"Derek!" She followed suit.

I dragged my self up immediately as I rested on the headrest. " What do you want?" I rubbed my forehead slightly as I asked this question. I just wanted to sleep, nothing more to less.

"Is that how you talk to your mother? " She feign hurt before sitting on the sheets slowly." Anyway. You're resuming school on Monday. And when you do, you won't have time for me again." She paused.

I rubbed my eyes."so?" Still not getting her point, I asked.

She adjusted her self closer to me." So, I was wondering if we could hang out today. you know go shopping, buy food and even take pictures"

Oh no, I wasn't doing this with her today. I was still sore from our last shopping together and now she wants another one, definitely no.

"There's no need for that mum. There are a lot of food at home, and besides you have a lot of clothes in your wardrobe. like how many have you worn?"I found myself asking as I shifted out of my bed stretching a little.

She wasn't answering, she just stared at me." Stop mum. You know am saying the truth. Okay. Have you worn that limited edition Louis Vuitton gown that cost you three million naira to buy?" It was a rhetorical question." No right?" I answered with a question.

"What about that Saint Laurent Gown that you bought for Five million dollars after literally fighting with that skinny woman? No right? What about that Gucci shoes that cost you 10 mill-"

She cut me off with her voice.
"Okay. Okay. Stop mentioning those old item" she waved them off.

Old item?

Oh mum!

"It's not like I want to go shopping for just my self,"she stood up and walked directly to me, touching my face as she got to me."am also doing it to spend time with my baby"

There she goes again.

She was always looking for a way to lure me In.

"So what do you say?" I kept quiet. Thinking if I should just tell her off when it's not too late.

"Mum please i-"

"Hmmm?" She was definitely cutting me off on purpose.

"Fine." I gave in.

"Yes!!!" She ginned from ear to ear.

She looked more like a happy teenage than my mum. She always found a way to take me out of me ' strange attitude' as she called it.

"But."I called off her little excitement and she looked at me." This is going to be the last time am doing this" I warned and she scoffed.

"Exactly what you said last time" she muttered under her breath but I heard it.

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