Chapter 2: The Dragon Slayer vs Super Saiyan

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Magnolia.. Kingdom of Fiore.. Continent of Ishgar.. Planet Earthland.. Universe 6th.. July 3rd, X784

After yesterday's incident and traveling by foot the last couple hours thanks to Natsu not wanting to travel through train, the group composed by Goku, Natsu, Lucy and Happy were able to finally arrive to Magnolia early in the morning. The moment the Saiyan laid eyes on the city he was fascinated by the structure of the buildings and how people seem to be more lively, it was a stark difference compared to the futuristic West City back on Earth..

Now the trio and blue cat were standing in front of the building where two of them would become official Wizards, the Fairy Tail guild..

"Incredible.." said Goku out-loud as he was looking up the guild in front of him with a fascinated expression

"It's bigger than I thought it would be!" shouted Lucy in surprised as she was doing the same thing Goku was, looking at the building structure with fascination..

"Heh! it doesn't get boring to see the faces of new people when they see our guild" stated Natsu with a satisfied smirk in his face, along with Happy who said 'Aye' in agreement to what the Dragon Slayer said "Anyways! Welcome to the Fairy Tail guild!"

"I have to say Natsu, I never seen these types of structures before back where I'm from.." said the Saiyan God truthfully as he's still appreciating the guild design in front of him..

"Alright! Enough of appreciating the structure! Let's go inside where the real stuff is!" exclaimed the Dragon Slayer in enthusiasm as he received multiple nods from Lucy and Goku.. Without wasting more time, Natsu walked towards the door of the guild and in a sudden action that shocked both Celestial Mage and Saiyan, Natsu kicks the door open violently and shouted at the top of his lungs "I'm back home everyone!"

"Did he really had to kick the door like that" thought the blonde-haired girl with a dead-panned expression, she wouldn't be surprised if Natsu receives some kind of punishment from the Guild master for doing that

However, what surprised the Celestial Mage was that the members of the guild didn't seem to be fazed by Natsu's sudden action but instead they were receiving the Dragon Slayer with big smiles on their faces!

"Welcome back Natsu! We heard what you did back in Hargeon, did you really had to blow up the port by defeating one person!" said a member of the guild with a care-free expression as he was sitting down on a table with other members. But then out of nowhere he received a kick from the Dragon Slayer that sends him crashing to the nearest table.. "What the hell man! Why did you kick me for?!"

"Why did Natsu kicked him out of nowhere? Did he do something that made him mad?" wondered Goku within his mind as he was wondering why Natsu attacked a member of his guild without any reason. Lucy was also wondering the same as she was shocked by Natsu's sudden action..

"That was for giving me false information about Salamander!" shouted the Dragon Slayer with comical anger written in his face as he was in front of the guild member, at hearing this both Goku and Lucy couldn't help but to sweat-drop at hearing his reason. Did Natsu really had to go that far to kick him in the face just because he gave false information

"How should I have know that the information was false dumbass!" yelled back the black-haired member as he stood up from the broken table and suddenly punches Natsu on the face "That was for the kick by the way!"

"So you want to fight huh..?" responded Natsu with a savage smirk forming on his face as he lights up with fire his fist "Then I hope you're ready to receive my fists down your throat!"

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