Chapter 6 (Galuna Island Arc): The S-Class Quest

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Goku's House.. Magnolia.. Kingdom of Fiore.. Earthland.. Universe 6th.. July 21th X784..

It has been two weeks since Goku stared to train both Natsu and Gray in awakening their Ki and learning martial arts. So far results had been better than Goku had expected, even if the Saiyan made the Dragon Slayer and Ice-maker wizard go through 'hell' when it comes to physical training it didn't stop their determination in becoming more powerful. By the first week both Natsu and Gray got used to the initial weight that it became normal to them, Goku had to increase the weighted wristbands to 200 Kilograms in total so they can still feel struggle of the physical training. The Saiyan God wouldn't be surprised if Natsu and Gray get used to their new weighted wristbands quickly..

In the last two weeks Goku also taught them some of the martial arts he learned in the last seven years, along with the Turtle Hermit style. Natsu wanted to learned what the Saiyan has shown so far, thus Goku stared to teach him Renewal Taekwondo. Meanwhile Gray wanted to learn something different but powerful and Goku decided to teach him Full Contact Karate which consist of powerful attacks that could send a person flying with a single punch. Goku also stared to teach his students the concept of Ki, so far they are only able to sense energy and enhance their physical strength similar to what they do with Magic, it would take some time for the wizards to start flying and shooting Ki attacks..

Meanwhile in his free time, Goku would usually grab quest levels that ranged from C rank to A rank and bring his two students with him so they can get used to the weighted wristbands. Sometimes the Saiyan would get to hang out with Lucy, Mirajane, Cana and even Erza who seemed to have gotten slightly closer with him. Titania would challenge Goku for some sparing matches which end up being training sessions for her, hell the Saiyan end up teaching Erza a Moon Light Sword Style movement that she understood in a few training sessions..

When the Saiyan goes out with Lucy for lunch or dinner, she would end up asking how he can sense energy easily. This led to Goku to teach the Celestial Mage how to sense Ki like Natsu and Gray, he wanted to teach this technique to Erza but she declined since she can sense Magic energy normally so there was no need. Maybe the Saiyan could try to convince Lucy to join the trainings with Natsu and Gray one of these days, she has potential to become powerful after all..

Now we find ourselves at the training ground where Natsu and Gray are sparring against Goku where they need to try to hit the Saiyan with an attack, but the catch is that they only can use their martial arts and not their magic..

"Come on guys! Is that what you all got?!" exclaimed the Saiyan God as he blocked a kick from the Dragon Slayer, followed by blocking a Gray's right punch with his left hand palm "I was expecting more after training hard for two weeks!"

"Tch!" was the sound that Natsu made as he separated himself from Goku and stared to run back to the Saiyan quickly, followed by jumping high so he could gain momentum "Renewal Taekwondo: 3rd Stance Hwechook!"

The Dragon Slayer initiated his attack by trying to kick the Saiyan in his head three times at blinding speeds, unfortunately Goku was able to block the first two kicks with his hands and he stopped Natsu from delivering the third kick by just kicking back the Dragon Slayer to the face..

"Natsu, you know that Renewal Taekwondo techniques are difficult to preform in close combat unless you're faster than me, so far you're moves are predictable!" responded Goku in a teaching tone of voice as he pushes Natsu away with his feet that was still implanted in his face..

(A/N: This scene is similar to the one where Park Ilpyo was schooling Mori Jin in Episode 10 of God of Highschool.)

"Don't forget about me!" exclaimed the Ice-maker wizard as he ran towards the Saiyan ready to deliver a powerful punch "First Stance: Black Tortoise!"

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