Chapter 7 (Galuna Island Arc): A Familiar Face Amongst the Cursed Island

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Unknown Location.. Ishgar Sea.. Nighttime.. July 22th, X784..

After a couple of hours of traveling, we could see Goku and the rest of Team Natsu sailing peacefully over the vast ocean as they headed to their destination. Unfortunately, not everyone was enjoying the trip..

"Please! Get me off from this death trap.." commented Natsu in a nauseous tone of voice as he puts his head outside the boat just in case he throws up. Meanwhile that was going on with the Dragon Slayer everyone else was just enjoying the trip, Erza was sitting next to Goku while Lucy next to Gray and Happy..

"I've been meaning to ask, why did you let us get on your boat while with the others you didn't?" asked Gray towards the owner of the ship with curiosity, the group payed attention to what Bobo was about to say since they were curious as well.

"Before we get into details I want to introduce myself, my name is Bobo and about why I said yes to bring all of you to Galuna Island is because I used to be a citizen of that place. Fortunately, I was able to escape from that hellhole a while ago.." responded Bobo neutrally as he kept navigating, the last sentence caught the attention of the group that they wanted to ask why he had to escape..

"And what kind of curse is affecting the entire island?" Erza asked intrigued as she looks at Bobo with anticipation, the same could be said for the Saiyan who also was interested in knowing..

"Unfortunately I escaped the island before the villagers could find out what the curse truly is. But what I can tell you is that if you go to Galuna Island a great misfortune will befall upon everyone in your group, are you sure you all want to do this dangerous mission?" asked Bobo with a serious expression on his face towards the group as he removes his cape that was covering most of his body and showcases his 'demonic' right arm that left everyone in the group surprised "These are one of the many misfortunes that could befall to any of you.."

"It seems that this mission will be more interesting than I thought" Goku thought with a excited expression since this was something new he was about to deal with. Besides Majin Boo, the Saiyan hasn't dealt with actual Demonic beings that affect humans..

"W-What happened to your arm?! It doesn't even look human!" exclaimed the Celestial Mage as she was feeling freaked out from seeing Bobo's 'demonic' arm..

"Yeah, I never seen something like it before.." added Gray with a serious expression on his face as he stares at Bobo's arm..

"It's because only the work of a Demonic being could have only done this, I believe that Galuna Island has been cursed by a powerful Demon who is enraged against our people.." exclaimed Bobo as he hides away his demonic arm and looks at the horizon "Speaking of Galuna Island, it seems we are approaching the island.."

At this, The navigator pointed at them with his gaze in a certain direction, followed by everyone turning their look ahead and in the distance they could see an island several kilometers away, it was Galuna Island and not only that, there was a strange glow at the top of the highest mountain which caught the attention of the Fairy Tail members..

"What is that glow that's covering the entire island?" Lucy asked confused as she turns her gaze towards Bobo, only to see that he has disappeared out of nowhere which caught the attention of the Celestial Mage "He disappeared!?"

"That's weird, I don't see him anywhere.." stated Gray as he looked around the boat only to see his team "Could he had fallen to the ocean?"

"Not only that, I couldn't sense him when he disappeared.." added the Saiyan God to the conversation with a serious expression "It was like he never existed.."

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