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Taehyung's gaze flickered between the girl and Novikov, tension crackling in the air like electricity. The girl stretched languidly, her movements a stark contrast to Novikov's stoic stance, arms crossed, eyes locked on her.

Then, it dawned on Taehyung: hadn't he seen the girl with a severed finger that very morning? The same one she had just thrown in front of her? It could not be Novikov's finger. He was too composed, too calm and collected, he wouldn't allow a stranger to disturb him unless they intrigued him somehow; something she was very clearly able to do.

Taehyung's attention snapped back to the girl, a sense of unease creeping over him. What was she up to? His unease turned to alarm as she took out a knife from the waistband of her pants and started advancing towards Novikov. Was she about to take out his target? Was his safety and paycheck about to go up in smoke? Taehyung couldn't afford to let that happen.

He seized her upper arm, yanking her forcefully in front of him, their faces mere inches apart. She looked at him with a bored expression, her gaze laced with indifference. "Can I help you?" she drawled, unfazed by his grasp.

Ignoring her question, Taehyung tightened his hold on her arm, pulling her closer until she nearly collided with his chest. His intent was clear as he reached for the knife clenched in her hand.

But she anticipated his move. With a swift motion, she jerked her hand away, the blade grazing his cheekbone in a scratch. Taehyung winced as pain spread across his face, blood trickling from the wound.

"What do you think you're doing?" he demanded, his grip stiff despite the searing pain.

"Worry about yourself," she retorted, attempting to press the knife against his jugular vein. But Taehyung was quicker, seizing the blade with his free hand before she could hurt him further. Despite her efforts to jerk the knife from his grip, Taehyung held on steadfastly, the blade twisting in his grasp, drawing blood that dripped onto the floor and his shoes.

Suddenly, ringing filled Taehyung's ears, disorienting him as he felt himself being shoved around. His head throbbed as if it might burst at any moment. Fearing for his safety, Taehyung released the girl's arm and pushed her away, still clutching the knife to protect himself from her.

Bringing the free hand to his temple, Taehyung felt the sticky warmth of blood coating his fingers. He had narrowly escaped being shot in the head.

In the chaos, Taehyung stood frozen, feeling as though he was watching the scene unfold from outside his own body. People scrambled and shoved each other, desperate to flee the gunfire. Some stumbled and fell, trampled by the panicked crowd. But amidst the frenzy, his gaze remained fixed on the girl.

She stood motionless, her eyes locked onto Taehyung in the middle of the chaos. For a moment, their gazes intersected before she averted her eyes, her attention returning to Novikov in the VIP section. She looked determined to pursue him.

Seizing the opportunity, Taehyung let go of the knife and slipped away unnoticed, darting out of the club and towards his car. He refused to meet his end in a strip club of all places. As he sprinted outside, he glanced back through the glass doors, catching a glimpse of the girl running around inside, surely in search of Novikov, the knife back in her hands.

Taehyung's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he sat in his parked car, ignoring his injured hand and temple; his mind swirling with frustration, unease and pain. Although he tried to convince himself to let go of the failed hit on Novikov and move on, he couldn't shake the anger that a little girl had disrupted his plans.

He turned the car on and drove a block down before parking along the sidewalk and as he scanned the dimly lit sidewalk, a figure emerged in the glow of a lamppost. It was her—was she following him? He discarded that idea once he remembered that she could not have been following a car by foot; clearly the bullet that grazed him opposed his common sense.

Her shaky form, illuminated against the darkness, walked with an air of vulnerability, hugging herself tightly as if seeking comfort, or maybe protecting herself from the cold night. Taehyung observed the vacant stare her eyes held and her lips moving silently as if engaged in a conversation with herself.

With a furrowed brow, Taehyung followed her with his eyes in the rearview mirror as she faltered next to his car and disappeared into an driveway a few yards in front of him. He waited, his senses on high alert, expecting her to reemerge. But as the minutes ticked by and the chorus of chirping filled the air, she remained unseen.

She must live there Taehyung thought to himself although he did not really know what to do with that information.

He lingered a while longer, zoning out from time to time, watching the sun climb higher in the sky until it seemed to float away like a balloon.

He couldn't shake the question: why was he still there instead of being home tending to his wounds? Did he want to confront her, assert his claim on Novikov? He chuckled at the thought. How childish. Novikov could wait; he didn't need to prove anything to anyone.

Taehyung glanced back one last time at the driveway and saw an old lady emerge from the same alley the girl had disappeared into earlier. The girl followed right behind waving goodbye and looking a lot better than a few hours prior.

He knew it might seem pointless to remember where she lived, but sometimes useless information could become valuable when the time was right.

As he started the car, ready to finally head home, his phone began to ring. With a frustrated sigh, he tilted his head backward before rummaging through the car to find the phone. When he answered, a voice he barely recognized spoke, "Secret Weapon, is it?"

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