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As Taehyung walked home, he couldn't stop thinking about his chat with Arya. She was incredibly determined, just like he used to be when he wanted to help his mom. He hoped things would turn out better for her, though he knew it was unlikely.

There was something about Arya that he found refreshing—her humanity. After being involved with Thorne and all sorts of underground junk, he saw Arya as a breath of fresh air because of her vitality and cheekiness.

Lost in thought, he looked up and saw Miss Allen at a café. She was chatting happily with someone who was not completely visible to Taehyung. "Is that Solange real?" he wondered aloud, curious.

As Taehyung walked, the anonymous person came into view. 

Miss Allen was talking to Everhart.

Taehyung froze, his mind racing with questions. Why was Everhart talking to her? Was he planning something? Would he hurt Miss Allen? Maybe he should go back and warn Arya to be careful; he knew that if Miss Allen died, Arya would either shut down and not keep her end of the bargain or go berserk and endanger not only herself, but Taehyung as well. Then, no one would kill Novikov, causing Taehyung to be 'taken care of' by one of Thorne's toady. His fate was in Arya's hands, Turning around, he sprinted back to the Allen's house, urgency and fear for his life driving him.

When he reached Arya's door, he banged on it and rang the doorbell frantically until she opened it, looking confused and annoyed. "What the hell?" she demanded.

"Pack a bag for yourself and Edith, now," Taehyung ordered before turning to leave, but Arya grabbed him by the hem of his hoodie.

"What the hell?" she demanded, urgency in her voice.

"There's no time for explanations right now. Call her back home and pack two bags. Don't forget your plane ticket and passport. I'll be back in five," he said firmly, gently pulling his hand from her grip and running back home.

What was Everhart planning, now?

Taehyung arrived home, panting, and rushed to his apartment to grab his car keys. He dashed to the garage, started his car, and pulled out. As he drove, he dialed a number, the recipient answered groggily. "Hm?"

"I need a car and a place to stay," Taehyung said urgently.

"Tae? It's early AM, how did you get in trouble at this time of day?" his friend asked.

"Jungkook," Taehyung replied abruptly.

"Fine. Meet me at Palma's," Jungkook instructed, "I'll be right there," he added with an annoyed sigh.

Taehyung drove to the Allen's. Once there, he honked a few times and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently while waiting. After a moment, Arya's head appeared, checking who was honking, before emerging with two bags, one in each hand, Edith trailing behind. The look on Arya's face was unreadable, while Miss Allen seemed visibly worried.

He got out of the car and opened the door for them before grabbing the bags from Arya, tossing them into the trunk, sliding back into the driver's seat and hitting the gas.

"Tae, what's going on?" Arya's voice came from the backseat, but he was too focused on the road to respond. He ignored the fact that she had called him Tae—there were more pressing matters at hand. The incessant beeping of the seatbelt warning only added to his frustration.

"Buckle up," Taehyung instructed sharply.

After the two women complied, Arya pressed him again, "Taehyung, talk."

"I can't," he replied, feeling his jaw clench and his hands grip the steering wheel tighter. Raindrops began to pelt the windshield, and the sky darkened with gray clouds. For the next ten minutes, he avoided meeting Arya's intense gaze in the rearview mirror.

Finally arriving at Palma's, Taehyung turned to address the two women in the backseat. "Don't move, I'll be right back," he instructed, stepping out of the car. As he closed the door, he overheard Edith expressing her disapproval, "I don't like him anymore," she said, prompting an exhausted sigh from him.

At the entrance of Palma's, Jungkook stood waiting with a crumpled piece of paper, a pair of car keys and an envelope in hand. "The car is parked in the back. Here's the address and cash you might need," he said, handing Taehyung the keys, the piece of paper and the envelope. "Take the road you came from and go north for about five miles. Then, follow these directions. Give me your phone before they begin tracking you, and good luck with whatever you got yourself into," Jungkook concluded, patting Taehyung on the back before heading inside Palma's.

He ran to his car to retrieve the two bags and motioned for the two women to follow him. His determined demeanor likely discouraged them from asking too many questions as they silently trailed behind him to the back of the building and climbed into the new car.

While driving, Taehyung occasionally stole glances at the rearview mirror, only to find Arya staring back at him. She looked as pale as a ghost, her lips a duller shade. For some reason, he felt a pang of guilt.

After a two-hour drive, they finally arrived at their destination, but none of them made a move to get out of the car. Arya and Edith sat in silence, looking confused and disoriented, while Taehyung stepped out to retrieve the bags from the trunk. As he headed towards the one-story house, the two women decided to follow him.

Once inside, he placed the bags on the ground and then walked back outside. "I'll go park the car a little farther away, just in case. I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't move from here. There should be two rooms at the end of the hallway. Make yourselves at home," he instructed before heading off.

Despite Taehyung's clear instructions, Arya followed him outside into the now pouring rain. It made it hard for them to see or hear each other clearly. "What's going on?" Arya repeated, her voice barely audible over the downpour.

Taehyung looked at her: her dark hair now soaking wet, her body shivering from the cold rain, and her eyes slightly red, though he couldn't tell if there were any tears that were mixing with the rain or not.

Behind Arya, her mother stood at the threshold of their new temporary home, hand on her chest, looking worried beyond imagination. "Get inside before you get sick. I'll explain everything later," Taehyung said, before starting the car and driving off, leaving the two women staring after him with wide eyes and open mouths.

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