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After pouring his frustrations out on Arya, Taehyung stormed out of the house again. Being stuck in a place with two emotionally charged women was only going to fuel his anger further. Maybe he shouldn't have left them alone, especially now that Novikov was after both of them. But he couldn't handle any more of that chaos.

Outside, the rain pounded down harder than ever. He figured he needed the cold shower of rain to clear his head and refocus on his job.

Once this was over, he knew he'd be reaching for a few bottles of vodka to forget the stress.

He wandered aimlessly through the rainstorm, pausing now and then to tilt his head back and feel the rain on his face, or to listen to the thunder and wish for a bolt of lightning to strike him.

After ambling for what felt like hours, Taehyung found himself back at the same fast-food restaurant from earlier that morning. He approached the counter and ordered the same meal as before, then went to the bathroom. 

Inside, the mirror was streaked with dried water droplets, and the flickering lights almost gave him a seizure. Despite the less-than-ideal conditions, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection: purple bags under his eyes that were assaulted by a constant stinging sensation, his hair was a mess, and his shirt lopsided. He let out a heavy sigh before exiting the bathroom, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the harsh brightness of the restaurant.

In front of the counter once more, Taehyung received his food from the server, an old woman with bleached-blonde hair and a ton of make up that made her look a lot older than what she was. "Good timing, kid. Here's your food. Hopefully I'll see you again tomorrow," she said with a wink, earning a disgusted look from him.

"Sure thing, do you have a phone I can use?" He asked trying to avoid her persistent gaze.

"Why not use the booth outside? You can't get any more wet than this," she joked. After being met with silence, she gave up with a sigh. "In the back, be quick. We're not supposed to let clients there."

Taehyung did not waste any time and went to the back of the restaurant, looking for the phone. He dialed a number and once he heard static from the other side of the line, he said, "Arrowvale, Seventh Azure Lane, tonight," then, he hung up.

Stepping outside, he paused for a moment, cursing himself internally for indulging in his sad boy hour on such a rainy day. But he shook it off, determined to make his way back to the house as quickly as possible.

Once inside, he closed the door behind him without bothering to lock it and stood in the entryway, his soaked hair and clothes creating a puddle beneath his feet. The only sounds in the house were the drip of water from his clothes and the faint chatter from the living room.

Glancing at the clock on the wall of the living room, Taehyung noted that it was almost eleven thirty PM. Despite the long and exhausting day, all three of them were still awake and quite active.

He stepped inside to find the two women chatting in the dimness. He flicked on the lights, causing them to jump slightly and fall silent for a moment. "It's been a long day. How about you two go rest?" he suggested, making his way to the kitchen to set down another plastic bag for the day. "If you're hungry, dinner's here," he added, weariness evident in his voice. "It's the same as this morning. Sorry, this town isn't exactly a culinary paradise," he apologized before heading to the bathroom for a warm shower.

After his shower, dressed in a white tee and sweatpants he'd found in the bathroom cupboard, Taehyung made his way to the kitchen to eat dinner, looking forward to finally having some peace and quiet in the house. The two women seemed to have removed themselves from the premises. But as he flipped on the lights, he spotted Arya sitting there, arms folded and one leg crossed over the other.

"You ate?" he asked.

"Not hungry," she replied flatly.

"So go to sleep," Taehyung suggested, a hint of frustration creeping into his tone.

"First, I have a few questions," Arya said, her gaze fixed on him as he settled in and grabbed a box that was still in the plastic bag. Taehyung sensed her suspicion, knowing she must have caught onto something. And he knew she would persist with her questions for some time, so he invited her to talk.

"Shoot away," he replied casually, opening the plastic box.

"Why are we here?" Arya asked, her tone probing.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked in return, taking a bite of his food.

"Something, or maybe someone, must have happened. What was it?" Arya leaned forward, her intensity almost invasive.

Taehyung remained silent, instead taking his time chewing his food and avoiding her gaze.

He tried to bring the fork back to his mouth, but Arya stopped him, her hand cold against his. He found himself liking and quite appreciating the contrast.

"Tae," Arya began, rising from her seat and cupping his face with her icy hands. "Listen. I trust you, even though I probably shouldn't. But that's okay, as long as it's just me who could get hurt," she whispered, her thumbs tracing soothing circles on his cheeks. "But now? Edith's life is in both our hands. And believe me when I say this: I will kill, and I will die before I let anything bad happen to her," she declared, her thumb brushing over the scar on his cheekbone—the same scar she had caused when they first met just two days prior. "You better not ruin what I have," Arya warned, her nail digging into the coagulated scar getting little to no reaction from him.

"There's not much to ruin, anyway," Taehyung remarked with a grin as Arya withdrew her hands watching a trickle of blood—a little red tear—drip from his cheekbone and stain his white shirt, a laugh escaping Arya's lips at his cold and dry remark.

He was too tired to control his words and his sincerity.

And sometimes, it's impossible to sugarcoat honesty.

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