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"I thought you'd put up a fight, where did all the bravado go?" Taehyung remarked casually as he rose from his seat, his gaze never leaving the girl, and strolled over to fetch a glass of water.

"Yeah, sorry. I was not expecting a visit today, that's all" she answered, confusion painted on her face.

"Sure, whatever." Taehyung continued as he settled back into his seat, taking a sip from the glass. "And you did all that for what? For my target to run away," he concluded, placing the now tinged with red glass gently on the table.

"Well, I didn't know I was going to be slowed down by anyone," she retorted. "If your target; who is actually my target, now knows that two people are after him, it's because of you."

"Oh really?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the last part of her sentence.

"Yes, really," she pressed, her tone growing more assertive. "Are you here because I almost got rid of your little toy?" she demanded with a tired sigh, exasperation lacing her voice. "Or are you here to kill me? because if it's the latter, then, get it over with," she challenged. "Unless you're going to chicken out like you did with Novikov."

"I didn't chicken out," Taehyung shot back, his eyes narrowing.

"If you hadn't chickened out, Novikov would be dead now," she declared, her voice laced with finality as she crossed her arms defiantly over her chest.

Silence hung in the air, tension crackling between Taehyung and the girl as they locked eyes, each refusing to be the first to break eye contact.

The girl's words echoed in Taehyung's mind. She wasn't wrong. With a gun at his disposal, it would have been a simple matter to eliminate Novikov. So why didn't he?

"That's what I thought," the girl broke the silence. "So, what do you want?" she asked, her courage steady now that she had probably realized Taehyung wasn't there to harm her or Edith.

He pondered her question, letting the weight of it sink in. What did he want from her? Why had he come to her house? Help? An alliance? Or perhaps just another glass of water?

Taehyung was caught off guard by the girl's question, momentarily stunned into silence. "Did you even want to kill Novikov?" she pressed, leaving him searching for a response. "I mean," she continued, her tone contemplative, "if you wanted to do it, you would have done it. The drive is something I doubt you miss." Her gaze drifted to his wounded hand, a silent reminder of the moment he grabbed the knife blade and did not let go, even after she twisted it in his grip, his blood now staining the glass of water in front of them.

Taehyung glanced down at his shoes, feeling a pang of guilt as he realized the girl was only wearing socks. Clearly, neither her nor Edith wore shoes in the house. "You don't miss the drive either," he admitted, meeting her eyes once more. He recalled how, even amid the chaos of gunshots in the club, she had remained focused on finding Novikov, running left and right after he was long gone.

"So?" she asked, her tone expectant. Taehyung took a moment of silence to gather his thoughts, unsure of how to proceed.

"My mom is going to come back in a few minutes, so," she interjected, rising from her seat to retrieve a utility knife. With determined steps, she approached Taehyung, handing him the handle and pressing the blade against her chest. "If this is what you want to do, get this over with," she repeated, her voice steady as she urged him to take action.

His eyes widened in alarm, his hand instinctively recoiling from the handle. He felt a wave of unease wash over him, his body trembling ever so slightly as he struggled to maintain his composure. Despite his inner turmoil, he attempted to conceal his anxiety, his mouth growing clammy.

"Oh, I see" she said, a smile playing on her lips as she held the knife, "you were going to murder Novikov, but were scared to do it, weren't you? Or were you scared to try and fail?" Her words struck a chord with Taehyung. It had been two years since he'd entered the world of assassination, yet the weight of taking a life still bore heavily on him. The drab color that replaced that of his victims' eyes haunted him, a reminder of the consequences of his actions. And no one knew better than him what would happen if he let his targets slip through his fingers.

"Clearly, you and Novikov go way back," Taehyung remarked, meeting the girl's gaze, after a few seconds of silence and respite. Something flickered in her eyes at his words. "So you can have him," he concluded, rising to his feet.

"But after your little shenanigan, he could be anywhere right now," she pointed out, her tone edged with anger.

"Which is why we could do this together," Taehyung suggested, his mind racing with possibilities.

The girl looked at him, confused. "What?" she asked, clearly impatient.

"Killing people is not my forte," Taehyung admitted raising his shoulders.

"I hope to God you're not an assassin," she interrupted, "full offense, it would be a waste of money."

"And apparently letting go of your target is not your forte," Taehyung continued, ignoring her commentary. "Actually it's not the forte of neither of us."

"Where are you going with this?" the girl snapped, growing increasingly irritated.

"I find him and bring him to you," Taehyung proposed.

"And I finish the job," she concluded after a few seconds of silence.

"A win-win," He declared, extending his wounded hand for a handshake, a smirk playing on his lips.

The girl rolled her eyes, but accepted the handshake. "Yeah, sure. Deal," she agreed, though her tone remained skeptical as she recoiled slightly at the touch of blood. "Disgusting," she muttered, trying to free her hand from his grip.

"I remind you that you caused this," Taehyung retorted, releasing her hand after squeezing it and watching her reaction with amusement.

"You should use all this confidence to take care of the people I hope you're not paid to kill, not with a defenseless woman," she retorted, her defiance shining through.

"But are you defenseless?" Taehyung countered, taking a step back. "I'll get going before your mother sees me here and has a heart attack."

"Wait, how are we going to do this? We didn't discuss anything," she interjected, her tone urgent.

"I'll contact you," Taehyung assured her, his confidence unwavering.

"How?" she asked, implicitly pointing out that he has no way of contacting her.

"I know where you live, don't I?" Taehyung shot back, his tone teasing. "Unless you want me to have your number?" His grin widened as he watched her simultaneously roll her eyes and groan. "See you soon."

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