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I heard the shattering of dishes, the clinking of silverware, and the disturbing cries of my mother and sister. Usually, when my parents fought, I would rush in front of them, hoping my presence would diffuse the tension. But this time, it was different. This time, my pleas fell on deaf ears. My mother, holding my sister in her arms and close to her body, was doing her best to soothe the terrified child, but nothing seemed to work. With each passing moment, the anger in my father's eyes burned hotter, a malevolent force threatening to destroy everything in its path.

When my mother sensed the danger, she made a desperate decision - she put my sister down and positioned herself as a human shield, her body protecting the child from the oncoming storm. "Please," she begged, her voice a mere whisper, "we can talk this out." But my father was beyond reason. In a blinding flash of rage, he backhanded her, sending her crashing to the floor. I remember the sickening crack as her head hit the hardwood, and the way her body convulsed beneath her.

My sister shrieked, then came the deafening silence, the kind that hangs heavy in the air after a gunshot. I held my breath, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest. And then I heard it - the unmistakable sound of snapping bones. A chill ran down my spine as I realized what had happened. My father had killed my sister.

The silence was shattered by my mother's bloodcurdling scream, her voice rising to a pitch so high it seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality. But there was no sound from my sister. Just the deep, even breathing of a corpse. My stomach churned, bile rising in my throat. I clenched my fists so tight my nails dug into my palms.

Then I heard my mom scream, wail, plead, but I didn't hear my sister. It was just my mom. And after one more dish broke, my mom toned down. I could hear her lose her vitality. I saw my father break a dish over my mom's head and holding a shard to her throat. I was paralyzed with fear when I saw him grab my mom by her hair and press the fragment of the dish so hard against her throat, that pearls of blood started surrounding the shard and trickling down her neck.

She just looked at me, smiled and held out her hand before my father took her life and threw her next to my sister's body, her neck twisted, her corpse looking like a marionette. Then, he turned his head towards me, looking at me dead in the eye. He was drunk, he was high, and he had someone's words spinning in his head, giving him paranoia and good reasons to get rid of his own family. He stood up and started walking towards me, the fragment of the dish still in his hand. I could see how hard he was clutching it, his hand now bleeding and leaving drops of blood behind him after every step.

That's when I decided to start running. I ran to mine and my sister's room and hid in the closet. I could hear his slow footsteps behind me, he didn't have to run, he knew he would eventually catch me. I remember his steps stopping at the threshold of our bedroom before turning around and walking away. I stayed in the closet for what seemed hours before I heard man more steps inside the house and many men talking. I was high on adrenaline, I couldn't pick anything they were saying. Then, I heard them approach our bedroom and speak, "Is anyone there?" I remember thinking that it was a trap. If I breathed too loud, they would kill me too. "It's the police. Arya, come out if you're here." Were they really the police? Were they trying to lure me out? I didn't have time to think about what I should do, someone had opened the closet door, and there I was.

It really was just the cops; my father was nowhere to be found. After that, everything is blurry in my mind. I remember a police officer picking me up and carrying me outside. As we were leaving the house, I looked around, seeing two white sheets covering who I assumed were my mom and sister. There were a lot of tears, only on my behalf. The neighbors were out and watching. The flashing police lights blinded me, and everyone speaking overwhelmed me.

Sitting on the sidewalk outside my house, a female police officer kept me company, the questions continuously pouring out of her mouth, "You're Arya, right?"

I nodded, staring blankly at the ground.

"How old are you?"


Some more stupid questions followed, "Are you hungry? Are you cold?" I didn't answer those questions, so why was someone offering me a donut and a blanket? I was left alone with her, "do you know what happened there?" she asked referring to my home.

"My father killed my mom and sister." I answered blankly, zoned out, "and you're going to catch him, aren't you?" I asked back breaking out of my trance, now looking at her in the eyes.

"That's what we do," she said with a determined tone, caressing my head.

After that, I was sent to a neighbor's, Miss Allen, since I didn't have any immediate family to take me. Before that event, she was always so sweet and patient to me, rarely told me no. She had always treated me like I were her child, and now she could raise me like I was her own. It wasn't really difficult to win custody battle, since there weren't any family who could take me.

Growing up, I was always waiting on a police report saying that the they found my father dead, or that they had him in custody or something of that kind, but it never happened. Revenge was always on the back of my mind, and only lately was I able to put something into place.

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