Chapter 12

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In an instant reaction, without affording Freminet a chance to respond, Lyney swiftly maneuvered through the pouring rain, unleashing a sudden burst of flames directly at Freminet. Reacting in a flash, Freminet countered with a cryo-infused swing of his sword. Initially appearing as a successful parry, the collision of cryo and pyro elements briefly obscured Freminet's vision in an elemental haze.

Amidst this fleeting chaos, seizing the obscured moment, Lyney surged forward with calculated precision. His swift advance caught Freminet off-guard as he ruthlessly disarmed him, sending Freminet's sword clattering to the ground. As Freminet focused on his fallen weapon, Lyney capitalized on the opening, executing a sweeping crescent kick that sent Freminet sprawling away from his blade.

Before Freminet could regain his footing, Lyney was upon him, swiftly restraining him. With a decisive twist, he subdued Freminet, wrenching his arm behind his back and forcing him onto his knees, pressing the blunt end of his blade against Freminet's neck. The duel concluded abruptly, leaving Freminet subdued and at Lyney's mercy.

"Enough with this guardian business. Return to Fontaine immediately," Lyney's command sliced through the tension, his voice ringing with unwavering determination. "Do I make myself clear?"

"My primary task remains incomplete," Freminet grunted, fighting against the constraints of Lyney's hold.

"I'm taking charge."

"Lyney, this mission..." Freminet's plea echoed, his gaze imploring over his shoulder. "Please, don't take this from me."

"Trust I'm doing it for your benefit," Lyney insisted, his voice edged with concern.

"Freminet..." Deirdre advanced, her worry palpable in the air. As she contemplated the use of her electro to intervene, Eula made her approach, fixating her gaze on Freminet's restrained figure. Despite her composed demeanor, her eyes exuded a stern resolve. With a graceful step over Freminet's discarded sword, she came to a stop a few paces away from them.

"Knights of Favonius, refrain from further interference," Lyney cautioned Eula. "Aiding him will only reinforce my argument that he's unprepared."

Unperturbed, Eula maintained her focus on Freminet. He hung his head in a sense of defeat, still ensnared by Lyney's grasp, refusing to release him until Freminet acquiesced formally.

"Freminet, you're only scratching the surface of your potential. Do you genuinely wish to stay? Then show it. The decision remains yours," Eula urged, her gaze unwaveringly fixed on him.

Freminet shifted his gaze elsewhere, the conflict raging within evident in his eyes. He sensed the pressure of Lyney's grip intensifying as the latter glared at Eula. "He's bound by duty to obey orders."

"In case it slipped your mind, this isn't Fontaine. Freminet falls under our jurisdiction and protection. Not to mention, he's my student. Legally, any of us could step in and apprehend you for endangering the mission, and by extension, Mondstadt. The only reason we haven't is because you happen to be his brother... and even now, it's clear how much he fears disappointing you. Arresting you would complicate things for him and might influence the mission's outcome. However, undermining him by exposing his vulnerabilities and shaming him is unacceptable."

Freminet redirected his gaze towards Eula, a mix of confusion and inquiry in his eyes.

She pressed on. "He's at a disadvantage due to his incomplete training," she accused Lyney with a pointed stare. "Yet, he's now eager to learn and embrace this new path with renewed determination. Neither the Knights of Favonius nor I, as his mentor, have imposed this decision upon him, and nor should you. But if proving himself to you is necessary..." Her focus shifted back to Freminet, adopting a coaching tone. "You must adapt, Freminet. Relying solely on your sword won't suffice. Keep your focus on your opponent next time. In those critical moments after being disarmed, your next move determines the outcome. Remember my guidance from the caverns... Act now."

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