1. The Start Of a New Family

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Kacy ⬆️

I was helping my mom with cooking when I smelt smoke. It was so strong. "Dad stop smoking." I turned to my sister Winter. She was unconscious I think." Winter. Winter get up." I said in annoyance.


Clouds of smoke started covering my view."Kacy, get your sister, there's a fire!" I turned to mom." What?" I looked behind her. What the hell." Winter wake up. Winter listen to me, wake up." I walked to her and shook her." Mom she's unconscious." I continuously shook her." MOM DAD!" They didn't reply." MOM ,Dad! Answer me." They didn't reply again. I grabbed Winter and got out. It spread like wildfire." Winter. Wake up. Help!" I shouted but no one came. Tears fell from my face.

3 hours later

Valerie, our neighbour came running as soon as it showed outside." Kacy oh my word. Okay wait here I'm calling the fire department." She went back inside her house and came back after a few minutes." It's okay baby. Don't worry." She comforted me.

Present Day

This all happened when I was 10 when my mother died but I grew to accept it.

My new family is the best. But there's always something about my foster mom that always gets me worried.

"Mom, dad I'm home. And I finally made a friend. Her name's Cathy Vell and she is the best." I said after of course opening the door." Hi honey how was school?" Mom said. I looked around and couldn't see dad anywhere." Where's dad?" I asked." How do you expert me to know. Do I look like his wife." She said. Weird but okay.
"What do you mean what?"
Don't look at me."
I looked at her. Why. I'm you freakin' child idiot." Are you on drugs?" I asked eying her suspiciously. She looked at me." No I am not. I'm just ... tired."

Weird but okay.i got a call. Dad." Hey sweetie. I know I'm really late for dinner but I won't be coming home tonight. I'll tell you when I get home. I promise." Then he hung up on me. I looked at mom who was definitely not paying attention to me." So has the baby kicked yet I'm sure it's gunna be a boy." I said trying to start a convo.

Do you really think she's paying any attention to you

Shut up conscious.

Just saying.

She smiled." Let's ber. I say it's gunna be a girl. You say it's gunna be a boy. Winner gets 100 dollars." I smiled." Of course and you have to buy me a Porsche fory 18th birthday." She smirked and shook my hand.


Hi EVERYONE. Thank you so much for choosing this book to read. You won't regret it 🥰. Poor Kacy.
Chapter 1

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